Chapter 24. Slytherin Dorm

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* Sexual content, viewer discretion is advised *

"Draco, be quiet nobody can hear you!" Astoria said while walking across the Slytherin Common Room.

A couple of people were still sitting in The Common Room, either skipping class or packing up and heading off. But Astoria did not want anybody to hear them. Draco walked carefully as the floorboards creaked beneath him. They both approached Draco's dorm very quietly until they finally were inside. The girl had no trouble getting in, the spell did not block her. Astoria had been waiting for this moment for so long. She had always liked Draco and could not believe this was actually happening.

"Astoria..." Draco said with a shy but firm voice while grabbing her waist and pulling his lips against the nape of her neck.

"No, kiss me for real Draco..." Astoria said dizzily. Draco removed his soft lips from the girl's neck and found her full lips, that had been awaiting his arrival.

"Do you love me?" Astoria said with a smile as uncertainty pierced her voice. But she was left with no answer "Draco do you love me... I want you." The boy nodded his head with a smirk and grabbed her closer than ever biting her lips and leaving her breathless. One by one he let his Slytherin cloak fall the ground and unbuttoned his shirt. Astoria was in awe, more than she could have ever imagined. His skin was ghostly but beautiful and his veins ran through his body like trails across the ground right after it had snowed, pumping blood from his heart.

The Slytherin boy unbuttoned the girl's shirt and finally left her lips. He pressed his mouth against her chest and made his way to her small but perky breast. Astoria let out slight moans as the boy continued downwards. Soon they were both completely bare and staring into each other's eyes. Until Draco finally entered her femininity. Moans filled the green and silver dorms as they both experienced something new.

Astoria and Draco laid side by side. The wavy brown-haired girl had fallen asleep gripping the blond's arms. As for Draco rested there thinking to himself... thinking to himself things he thought he would have never thought. He knew he was not madly in love with Astoria but he still had imagined things differently. He had enjoyed it but not the extent he pictured he would have...

Maybe sex was not what he thought it would be after all. He looked at Astoria's beautiful body without words and closed his eyes wondering on about the event that had just happened...

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