Chapter 60. Two Doors

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The night had fallen when two boys escaped their dormitories, replaying a memory that seemed from long ago. Draco was the first to sneak out. He walked in the hallways, close to the Room of Requirements, and listened to the echo of his shoes tapping the hardwood. He looked down and smiled to himself. His cheeks hurt; he was not used to being so happy. Even if other thoughts still filled his mind, Harry was overtaking all other emotions.

A door began to appear before him. At first, he did not realize it. He was too carried away in his own thoughts, but as he lifted his eyes he jolted back at the rememberance of the room. It was bitter-sweet memories that filled his core: ones of happiness because it made him realize what he wanted, but ones of sadness because it reminded him how much pain that little boy was going through, how much he thought there wasn't an escape to the madness. He let himself feel all the emotions as he stepped into the room. There was nothing but the same mirror lingering at the end of the great room. The Mirror of Erised.

He was no longer scared of it, or at least so he thought. He approached it slowly as his heart began to beat faster. He wondered why, why fear was taking over. He looked in the mirror, and hundreds of images started to shift before him, but all of them were unclear. "Was the mirror trying to play a game with me?" he thought to himself. It was in that moment that the images became clearer. He lusted his father's acceptance. Even though, it was the stupidest thing to ever wish for. He was dead, and even if he wasn't he was crazy to ever assume he would get it. The image than changed to something else an image of Harry appeared. It showed Harry walking to him from behind. Draco knew what the image meant. He just didn't have the courage to admit it.

That's when suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist. It was not just a want, but it was also reality. Harry had truly been behind him. It was not only the desire the mirror had shown.

"Har..." Draco said as his words were cut off softly by the touch of a kiss. Their embrace was slight, on the flutter and brush of lips for a moment. Both boys could feel their hearts racing and palpitating uncontrollably. "How did you know I was here?" the blond said as his voice began to shake.

"The room opened for me.."

"But the room only appears for wizards in need of it..." Draco said trying to remain normal, but his shyness was overpowering. This was not Draco's usual comportement. Lucius's abuse had changed him. He was no longer that sly, passive agressive person he used to be. Or he was, but it was hidden underneath the grief of a broken soul starting to be put back together again.

"Maybe the room is trying to tell us something..." Harry said also shyly. The two boys looked at each other as they saw huge curtains and drapery in front of them. The were huge, thick  crimson red curtains. The slowly walked over to them and sweeped the curtains back. There laid two doors. One was written Slytherin and the other said Gryffindor with a sign in the middle: Pick your poison.  Harry looked up at Draco asking him to choose with his eyes.

"Well, obviously Slytherin, Potter." the boy stated regaining some of his old attitude.

"Okay." Harry said slightly chuckling. He opened the door, and what he saw before him left both boys trembling. The colors of Slytherin were not fully depicted but mostly. Slytherin was usually green and silver, but this was green and gold. The other that was Gryffindor should have been crimson and gold, but it was crimson and silver. The two doors only made you choose between what color would be more present.

The two boys looked once again around them, avoiding each other's stares, and tried to not crumble to the ground. Before them laid an immense four post bed...just waiting for some willing lovers...

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