Chapter 55. I Hate You

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Lucius laid half asleep on the small bed crammed in the corner of his cell, dust filled his nostrils and memories devoured him. The only difference between him and sleep were the thoughts that kept making him realize everything he lost. His eyes were almost completely shut and his soul was almost free as a woman with peculiar hair stepped closer to the railings. She had black hair with a streak of platinum blonde. She was beautiful, but age had made its mark on her, or maybe it was simply the stress for her face seemed to age as much as Lucius's in the last few days.

"Lucius..." the woman cried so deeply that it made all the other prisoners in the surroundings watch, but Lucius did not open his eyes at first. He still thought he was in a dream. He knew he could not actually be hearing the voice of the woman he loved. He knew she could never really be up here in the cells; it was strictly prohibited.

"I must be dreaming!" he thought to himself, but her voice was to exquisite, to pure. He knew that it could not be just in a dream. He heard it as clear as day. He turned his eyes towards the gates where he then saw her. He did not move. He let the image of her soak up in every inch of his pores, and he thought about how much he wanted to pull her in his cell and kiss every part of her, make love one last time to her beautiful body... He wanted to make love with her, but this time he wanted to be sure she knew how much he loved her.

"Narcissa..." he said as he ran up the gates and held her hands. The simplest touch of hands made him feel home again. "How did you get here?" he asked. He could not even begin to imagine the trouble she most of had to through to get in front of him.

"Do not worry about this!" she cried. She did not want to think of something so unimportant.

"Narcissa, do not cry..." the man said as he himself shattered into hundreds of broken pieces. He could feel her pain. He felt so guilty.

"Lucius, I love you. I had to say goodbye no matter what that meant. I had to see you one last time, my husband..." her tears flowed so fast that it only took seconds before they fell from the bottom of her chin.

"Narcissa, I am so sorry. I am so very sorry... to Draco too..." Lucius meant his words. They were not fake. Narcissa approached slowly as she kissed him. She did not care that he was dirty, or that he seemed more broken than any man she had every met. She felt close to him, even if it was only for a second, and that's all that mattered.

The guards had noticed the presence of dark magic, and they began to barricade with magic the whole floor Lucius was on. Narcissa knew she had to go.

"I have to go." she said sadly

"I am sorry." Lucius said again, but this time Narcissa felt anger arise within her. No matter how much she loved him, no how much she didn't make it okay.. What he had done was still horrible.

"Lucius I do not care how much I love you, you ruined our family, you ruined everything... and I HATE YOU FOR THAT! I HATE YOU!" she cried as she dissapeared into nothingness... She felt bad, but he had to know, he had to know the damage he has caused...

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