Chapter 44. Ministry Of Magic

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"Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy, you are being held in court, in front of the Ministry of Magic, to talk about your alligence to the Dark Lord, Voldemort." a man said with a deep voice as Draco could feel his heart pumping blood throughout the rest of his pale and now quite frail body. "We have been informed and have evidence regarding you and your family." the older man said while looking directly at Lucius.

The family stayed silent as they continued to listen to the court. Though, anxiety was taking the best of them and Lucius and Draco could not stop pulling down their left sleeves. Even if Voldemort was dead, they could swear they still felt a burning sensation on their arms... where the Dark Mark laid...

"May you please lift up your left sleeves!" the man stated as guards approached the family. The three Malfoy's lifted up their sleeves as all eyes looked towards them. There was nothing but the trademark pale skin that they all were known to have. Three guards grabbed their arms as they conjured a never heard spell... and that is when the outline of a snake began to show on both Lucius and Draco's arms, they were revealed once and for all...

"We will take no further actions regarding both Draco and Lucius Malfoy. The Dark Mark proves all the information necessary to send you both to Azkaban. Narcissa Malfoy you will be held in court this time in 6 days. Court dismissed." the man said brusquely as the doors to the court swung open and the room went silent. Voices in the distance all sounded muffled but it was obvious what they were saying "It's Harry, it's Harry Potter.", "Look it's the boy who saved our world.", "What is he doing here?" and millions over other things filled the air...

Draco's eyes looked confusingly at Harry. He did not remember their love. He only remembered the hatred they had for one another and the mean comments they used to say to each other.. so he could not understand why he was here... why out of all places why the boy who had saved our world was here...

"DRACO AND NARCISSA MALFOY ARE NOT GUILTY and I can find proof to state my case!" the raven haired boy yelled as everyone turned and began to listen...

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