Chapter 29. Another Good Friend Lost

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The young Slytherin's face grew darker as anger rushed through his body and drove to the core, hatred ran through his veins like wildfire. Though his eyes were telling a different story, a story still halfway hidden. He kept his eyes glued to the floor and avoided direct eye contact for a moment. Pansy could not understand it, she could not understand what his eyes were saying. She could not understand what they were dying to show.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" Draco yelled with a threatening tone. Pansy tried to speak but she was stunned. She almost felt vexed for not being able to understand him. Her intuition was always right. This time it was not. Or was it? His eyes demanded she was wrong but they did not demand she was right either. "I AM TALKING TO YOU!" Draco said this time shouting. He had never looked so furious. "PANSY PARKINSON! Whats wrong with you?" the boy shouted.

"Blood hell! Calm down Malfoy, I was wrong! Okay?" Pansy said

"I can not believe you would even say something like that. I have a girlfriend!" the blond said.

"I am sorry. I just thought maybe, you did...that maybe you did like him." the girl said

"Well, you were WRONG! Just like you were WRONG about Blaise liking you back!" Draco spat angrily. "I can not even believe you would assume I liked POTTER and that I am..." but Draco's words were cut by the sound of Pansy leaving. Now the wizard was truly left with nobody, truly alone. He no longer had Blaise or Pansy. And Crabbe and Goyle were not the same, he was not actually that close to them. Draco had so many emotions circulating within him that nobody, even less himself, could decipher. He had always been told that there was a thin line between love and hate but he had never believed it.

Draco put his cloak back on and fixed his hair but just before he was about to leave he got a knock on the door.

"Draco... Draco... Are you in there?" a tiny voice shuttered. Draco recognized the voice instantly and looked at the door disapprovingly but walked to it anyways. On the other side of it was a beautiful girl, Astoria.

"Draco, I'm sorry for everything. I love you so much!" Astoria said sweetly. Draco just looked down not knowing what to say... but after a second he grabbed her inside and pulled every inch of clothing off her body. He was once again ready to completely submerge himself into sexual pleasures. They spent hours kissing and making love until they both fell asleep from exhaustion.

Two hours later, Draco woke up to a dream of him standing in front of The Mirror of Erised. He was so tired of everything, he was tired of Astoria, of Blaise, of Pansy, of Hogwarts, of his family but most of all he was tired of being tired...

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