Chapter 56. Suicide

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Narcissa woke up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep whatsoever. The pit of her stomach ached, something was off, something had just been broken. Hours passed by slowly when someone apparated beside her bed.

"Hello..." Narcissa said, jolting up in her bed. She knew something bad had to be happening.

"Mrs. Mafloy your son is on his way home..."

"I thought he was not supposed to be let out until next week?" Narcissa asked curiously.

"Mr. Draco Malfoy, will need his family right now..." the man said as his voice broke, but he had went to school with Narcissa, and even if he was not in her house, he was in Hufflepuff, he still did not want to be the one to give her such a horrible news... "It has come to my attention that Mr. Lucius Malfoy is no longer amongst us. Prison guards were doing their daily check-ins when they came across your husband's cell. I am sad to inform you that he took his life." The room went completely silent, everything she had said, she regretted so deeply. She hated him for what he had done, but it did not change the fact that he was her husband and she'd loved him for so long. It did not change the fact, that after all of these years, she was still able to look into his eyes and understand why she was with him, even after all the bad that there was.

She hated herself, because she knew that even if it wasn't her direct fault, that it would always feel that way. No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise. She would always feel like she held the double-edged sword, or in this case the rope that tied him to his demise.

She plunged to the ground, not even sure she would ever get back up... Until she heard a slight tapping out the door. She knew who it was, and because of that she got up as fast as she had first fallen. It was her son, Draco. And she had promised to always be there for him.

She walked to the door with watery eyes and shaking hands and turned the knob slowly.

"Mom?" Draco said with uncertainty in his voice. He was not used to calling his mom, mom. It was a word that was too sensitive, so he normally sticked with mother, but after everything that had happened it only felt right. He even knew deep down that something was wrong even if he didn't know what that thing was just yet. "What's wrong, Mom?" Draco demanded agian, but his mother's tears told more of the truth than words could have ever stated.

There was a broken with no possibility of repair, and that was what the Malfoy's were feeling. For one, Lucius was dead. He could not be repaired. As for Narcissa and Draco, they had lost him, and that is something they could never truly recover...

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