Chapter 27. Deep Desire

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The sound of the old breaks on the Hogwarts Express came to a rugged stop as they arrived at Hogsmeade Station. It was a gloomy dark day in 1991 and the wind was whistling through the air timidly. It was the start of a new generation, the start of adventures that were yet to be known. Students from all around, both young and old were welcomed into the castle as they piled out of the train. In the far back compartment, Draco Malfoy was still grabbing all of his belongings until something mysteriously caught his eye. A boy with messy raven hair was looking around with glimmering eyes as if he had never seen something so magical. He slowly turned back, his cheeks were tinted rose as his delicate features formed a wide smile. The boy's innocence was defining and his little body full of joy filled the air. Draco was perplexed by the boy as the sound of his own voice could be heard. "Potter!" he said as he ran outside interlocking his fingers with his, forgetting everything in the world for just one second.

Draco brusquely backed away from the mirror, hitting his head against the wall. Everything now made sense to him, everything that always seemed so far out of place now had an answer. His feelings had been hidden so deep within, that he had not even under-covered them till this very moment. The mirror depicted the most desperate desire of one's heart and had even been known to cause men to go mad. Draco stood in torment as disgust and worry took over him. He refused to believe that this could actually be true.

Draco glanced back at the mirror for a second look. His vitreous eyes could not look away for standing in front of him was everything, everything he could have ever wanted. The sound of Potter's laughter filled his ear drums just before he hit the glass... shattering both it and his deepest dreams...

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