Chapter 22. A Thousand Swords

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Draco walked out of the dungeons as he saw the glimpse of brown waves. Astoria was standing just before him. Since that night at Malfoy Manor, they had gotten much closer. They were not exactly together yet but Draco was about to finalize that. He ran up to the girl and pressed both of her sides, jabbing his fingers into her rib cages. A sudden high-pitched noise came out of the girl:

"Euuuuh, Draco! Stop that! What are you doing?" she said both annoyed and smiley.

"Good Morning grumpy!" Draco said with his usual regard. Astoria looked at him with a saddened regard and lowered her eyes. "Euuuuh, Astoria... look you are..." Draco said brokenly while grabbing her and pressing his lips against hers. For the first time, their lips were colliding as one as Draco moved every inch of her closer to him, making her his own. "Beautiful... you are beautiful...okay?" The hallways grew painfully silent as everyone looked at the two in almost awe, everyone but him...

Harry stood there with the same feeling he had first felt in Potion's Class, his feet were nailed to the ground and no matter how much he wanted to move or scream he could not. He had just left the Hospital Wing for the first time in six days and now had to face this. Harry could have sworn that the pain he felt at this very moment had surpassed any of the prior pain he felt during this week. He wanted to both scream and cry all at once. It was unfair. Everything was unfair! Everyone he had ever loved, he had lost. The second he began to care for someone they were ripped away from him. He never even got the chance to know his parents before they were forever taken away from him, never got to know the meaning of a true family.

Draco saw Harry from the corner of his eyes and giggled cunningly. He looked at him sternly and then pulled Astoria closer to him than ever before and pressed his lips once again to her beautiful smile. Their lips interlocked as they breathed the same air. Astoria felt compelled by every part of Draco. The closer Draco got the further he felt, she never felt like he was close enough. Malfoy's lips parted slowly as he tugged on her upper lip, this time making every part of their bodies touch. Every part of them was in sync and every pair of eyes was on them. Nobody had ever seen Draco kiss someone, they only heard he had. Especially not this passionately and in front of an audience... but he did.

From across the room Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, and Ron were all looking over. Pansy and Blaise gave each other a very odd look, a look in which it was clear they understood what the other thought without even a single word. As for Hermione and Ron, just looked at Draco in pure surprise. They never thought they would see the day that Draco fell in love, that was until behind the shape of the metallic boy they saw their best friend... more shattered than ever... But right as Hermione got up, tears streamed down Harry's face as he faded into oblivion...

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