Chapter 34. I Will Find Out The Truth

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I wrote two chapters today. Love you all ❤️

Draco walked inside to find a table full of food. The houses elves had prepared a giant meal and had set it out for the family. Before Draco would have never really minded the house elves doing all the work for him but something was different. Some would say his heart had grown three times the size since last night, like something in him had changed... shifted even. He could see things more for what they really were. Harry had killed all of Draco's inner demons and had left him with an open and kind heart.

"Hello." an older woman said with a sweet voice

"Hello, mom!" Draco said lovingly

"It is nice to see you." she replied

"Stop Narcissa, it is not the time for this!" Lucius interrupted with a mean voice as his wife looked down

"Son, come sit down. The food is ready!" the older blond man said. The family sat down around the huge table. The air was uncomfortable and something was wrong. Something more than usually. "We had an interesting visit this morning, Draco. Do you know anything about that?"

"No..." the young Slytherin said lyingly

"It was Astoria, your girlfriend or shall I say your ex-girlfriend."

"Father, do not be mad! I just did not like Astoria." Draco said

"Well this is not about liking, it's about who is worthy enough for our family's title." Lucius declared. "She also seemed to mention something else. She said you were fond of someone I would not like but refused to tell me who it was.", "Could you please tell me who this young woman is?"

"Father, I broke up with Astoria because I did not like her that's all, not because I like someone else." Draco tried to say convincingly but failed. Lucius knew his son well enough to know when he was lying and right now it was quite obvious he was. The worried boy had his eyes glued to his plate as he kept moving his fork in circles.

"Well, then." Lucius said harshly as he got up and went to the kitchen where Narcissa followed him

"I know he is lying to me!"

"No, he seemed sincere!" Narcissa said reassuringly

"You and he are so gullible!" he said while raising his voice at his wife. He then walked out of the room and went into his office. His office was huge and had millions of snakes covered in gold around it. Lucius slowly opened a cabinet and got out a potion named Vertiaserum. Veritaserum was a potion used strictly by the Ministry of Magic to prevail the truth in crimes. It was a very powerful truth serum that forced an individual to undercover the secrets he or she may be hiding. The tall blond haired man took the vial and brought it to the kitchen where he poured three drops of the clear liquid into a water glass. He then went up to a house elf and said: "Please, bring this Draco!" Soon enough the truth would be told...

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