Chapter 46. Narcissa Black Malfoy

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The walls of the Ministry began to close in around them as they walked into a tight corridor. The hallway was covered in gold lanterns hanging on the walls and smelled of old parchment paper. Narcissa and Draco seemed very anxious but Lucius was smirking. He did not seem to care about what was about to come his way. Harry was following them closely behind when he heard someone say:

"Welcome to our Truth Room." the old man said as he opened the door to the huge room.
The room was in a dome shape and smelled of pine trees to cover the smells of all the forbidden potions they used within the walls. "May one of you step forward so we can test  you." the man said sternly. The family looked at each other for a moment and Narcissa stepped up first. "Hello, Mrs. Malfoy. May you go to the middle of the room please."

"Yes." the beautiful older woman said brokenly

"Here." the man said as he gave Narcissa a clear cup with a clear liquid inside. "Drink it." he said as the Slytherin woman drank the liquid. Everyone waited fifteen minutes for the serum to take full effect and then began the questioning. "Please state your full name."

"Narcissa Malfoy."

"Maiden name?" 

"Narcissa Black."

"I see. Your sister is Miss Bellatrix Lestrange. Correct?"


"Do you still contact your sister?" he said as Narcissa tried to fight the serum but couldn't.

"From time to time."

"I see. Your son and your husband withhold the Dark Mark. We did not find one on you but do you have one that you were able to hide with a certain spell?"

"No, I do not have the Dark Mark."

"I see. Were you a follower of the Dark Lord."

"Yes and no."

"And how could that be that you are and you are not? Could you explain."

"I never intentionally decided to be. My husband was so I did not really have the choice. I thought it was the right thing at times but I never wanted to hurt anybody. I just wanted to be there for my little boy and the man of my life. I did not mean to cause harm." she said as slight tears rolled down her face. "I was not a follower of Voldemort as much as I was a follower of my family."

"Did you ever kill anybody?" the man said as all eyes in the room looked towards her, especially Harry's.

"No, but I did not stop people when they were..." she said in now hundreds of tears

"Dismissed." the judge said. "Narcissa Black Malfoy is found not guilty of the charges held to her name. You are a free woman but we will be keeping a close eye on you."

"Thank you." she said lowering her head. She tried to be happy but she could not be. She was still too worried about what was going to happen next.

"Lucius and Draco Malfoy, who will be up next?" the man said as the two turned to each other and Draco stepped forward.

"I am." the young blond said as Harry could feel himself turn to dust.

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