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Hello everyone,

I have never been one to like constructive criticism, not because I don't want to grow as a writer, but because I simply lacked the confidence needed to accept such critiques. With time and a lot of work, I have reached a point in my life where I feel as if I am now ready to listen to any advice you may have for me, as long as it remains said in a kind manner of course.

I still have low confidence, but I have come to realize that it is unfair to myself to not listen to tips that could and will potentially help me. I began this story at the age of 14 years old. I didn't expect anything to come of it. I am so proud to say that today, I have now reached over 100,000 reads. There are absolutely no words for the amount of love I have for the people who took the time to read my story.

I am now 20 years old, and my writing has evolved tremendously from the time I started this book. My vocabulary and grammar have gotten a lot better, at least I hope. However, I am still aware I have a long, long way to go before I become the writer I have always dreamed to be.

With all of that being said, here are some questions I have for anybody who wishes to answer. Thank you in advance for anyone who replies!

What do you think I could have done better?

Who's character development wasn't so good?

Who's character development was good?

Was anything repetitive, long, or boring?

Did you find yourself wanting to continue reading after you finished a chapter or were there times where you wanted to stop reading the story all together?

Is there any character that you think I wrote incorrectly?

On a scale to 1 to 10, how good was this fanfiction? And why? (You don't have to be nice!)

Lastly, if there's any other advice you want to give me just comment it below. Feel free to tell me what I did right as well as wrong, I don't want just a bunch of negativity! 😂

Please try to not be too, too harsh! Thank you again to all of you! ♥️

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