Thank You!

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There are no other words than thank you! ♥️

Thank you so very much to you all!

You guys have allowed me so much by writing this book! (Except let's not even talk about how many grammatical errors there are. I never edited this... oops...) I do not think you will ever truly understand everything this encompasses for me! You have allowed me to make friends, express myself, and to write about something that I love. It was a true pleasure to write this, not only because this is my favourite Harry Potter ship, but mostly because of all of you! I am actually crying of joy and sadness... Your comments, your votes, your reads- thank you!

Though it is the end of this story, it will not be the end of another. Just like how Hogwarts will always live on in our hearts, so will the undying love of Potter and Malfoy. Draco and Harry.


Sophia. 🌷🌻❤️

To the next great adventure, my stars...🌟🌟🌟

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