Chapter 40. The Dark Mark

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The Dark Lord entered Malfoy Manor as Lucius walked him down to the basement. His presence brought a cold breeze throughout the whole household and made the locked boy shiver. Draco was still stored away like a rat in a lab when Voldemort appeared, the tapping of his long fingernails on metal, echoed throughout the downstairs rooms.

It was then that, the once Tom Riddle, entered and took Draco's left arm into his hand as he used the Protean Charm. The Protean Charm engraved the dark mark onto all people that were followers of Voldemort. And even though Draco wanted to escape, find his safe harbor... he knew that it was not a possibility. That this, no matter how much he did not want it, was inevitable... His arm stung of a fiery pain as the Dark Lord imprinted the mark onto his pale skin. Even though, the blond was not crying he could feel every bone in his body ache at the thought of his already sad life becoming even darker...


It was only but a couple miles away was Harry trying to stop the one and only thing his lover had become. Harry was trying to stop Voldemort, trying to conquer the dark side and stop the Death Eaters... He was now departing for a mission to kill every part of Voldemort that was left... to destroy the Horcruxes and take back the happiness everyone deserved...

The months would pass by fast in the conceding months... Harry was gone with Hermione and Ron trying to free the world so hell would not break loose as Draco became a slave to both his father and Voldemort. He was completely and utterly brainwashed and could not recall the love he had for Harry... The curse had done exactly what Lucius had planned... It had destroyed him just like it did the Longbottoms...

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