Chapter 36. Pale Skin Bleeding Of Pain

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*Violence is depicted. Viewer discretion is advised.*

The cold cement floor laid under the pale blond's finger tips. He was laying on the ground in a cold cellar, locked away in his own basement. His eyes barely opened and it was already possible to see the gray that began to form. Draco did not know where he was at first or what happened to him. But it was only in a matter of moments did all the memories appear in his mind. He felt even more broken than before. He did not know what to think or expect. The cellar had no windows and thick walls, Draco knew that even if he tried nobody would hear his screams... nobody would hear his cries. Malfoy put his hands against his visage and cried. He could feel the pain of the tender area where his father had punched him.

Meanwhile, Narcissa was upstairs clueless of what happened. She thought her little son had just gone back to school and did not think much of it. So, she left in the night to the small village that bordered their home. Not knowing it was one of the worst decisions she had ever made. At the sound of the door slamming behind his wife, Lucius went down to the basement. The sound of his feet touching the ground resonated in Draco's ears as fear took over him. He was hopeless. He had no escape.

Long pale fingers hit the metal bars of the cell as a man with long blond hair paced back-and-forth. His demeanor was very cruel and you could see that he had planned some type of scheme out. Lucius took out a gold key from his emerald cloak and unlocked the gate of the small room. Draco's eyes looked up at his father's but he was left speechless. The eyes he was looking at held no remorse, no care...

"If you want to be gay than you will have to accept the consequences of your actions!" Lucius spat

"This is not wrong..." Draco said as he walked towards him with a sad face. "I cannot change who I am. I cannot..." but before he could finish his phrase Lucius raised his hand and smacked Draco one more across the face... From his cloak, he removed another object. It was black and long. It was a belt. Draco quickly took out his wand but before he could do anything Lucius screamed:

"EXPILLIARMUS!" as his son's wand crashed to the floor. Lucius went over to where the wand had fallen and took it in his hands as he broke it in two. "Did you actually think you could beat me?" the man said laughingly. He walked over to Draco and moved the belts back in his hands. "You need to be punished!" he said while swinging the belt so hard that we could hear the air's movement. Draco screamed in pain, blood was not flowing out but he could feel the inner bleeding. He cried and cried, he begged his father to stop but he did not. "You are an embarrassment to our family!" Lucius yelled as he hit the belt so hard to the pale boy's skin that his skin began to fall apart and make a cut... leaving blood to drip from his torso... he was injured both physically and mentally...

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