Chapter IX: To The Rescue

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Another pair of footsteps previously walked into the bathroom a couple seconds before Harry drew his wand. A boy dressed in black pants and a ruffled white button-down shirt limped in. The boy had gunmetal eyes and fair skin. This individual was Malfoy, and he had come for the same reason as Harry, to spend some time alone. But when he saw Harry mouth the words Obilivate, Malfoy could not stop himself. He pulled his wand out and threw it at Harry's. After a moment, Harry and Malfoy's wand both fell to the ground with a loud thump.

Harry quickly turned around after that and was completely shocked to see the Slytherin standing there. He could not believe that out of all people, Malfoy had to be at the same place and time than him.

"Potter, what were you doing?" Malfoy said demandingly.

"I...I was just..."

"I demand you to tell me what's going on!"

"No-thing... was going on..." Harry said uncertainly.

"I saw you mouth the words obliviate from the mirror. Do not take me for an idiot. You are always keeping secrets from everyone! I can not imagine how hard it is for you and all, being The Chosen One and everything?!" The Slytherin snarled as silence filled the room. "Cat bit your tongue, Potter?"

"Just stop Malfoy! Stop with your constant nagging! I can not take it anymore!" Harry said

"No need to be uptight," Draco said snickering.

"Look, I was trying to forget you. Trying to forget the stupid moment I ever fell for you!" Harry said weakly as silence again filled the room. "I shouldn't have said that! I have to go."

Harry grabbed his wand from the floor, eyeing Malfoy's only meters away, and stormed out of the bathrooms, running to the Gryffindor tour as fast as he possibly could. Draco stood behind as he snickered again at the thought of Harry's weakness towards him. Though, Draco could not but be distraught by the realness of what Harry just said. Malfoy had known about Potter's infatuation with him since last Potions class, but hearing it out loud was so different. There was no hiding behind the possibility of all of this being fake now because now he knew for sure that Harry truly did want him.

Draco numerously replayed in his mind the desperate things Harry had just cried out and laughed to himself hysterically. At first, Draco could not stop his laughter but as the time drew on, the laughter became harder and harder to let out.. it came to a point in which laughing at Potter no longer felt normal and his voice cracked at each slight giggle. Draco did not know what was going on but Draco knew one thing in particular, something about that night had changed him more than he had initially thought, he just had to figure out what it was...

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