Chapter 45. Put You To The Test

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"Proceed." the judge stated.

"Draco and Narcissa Malfoy were under the influence of Lucius. Lucius was the first to become a Death Eater amongst the family and forced them to follow in his tracks. They never intended to become part of the Dark Forces. It was imposed. And..." Harry said as he was cut off

"And what says to us the information you are giving us is true... Mister Potter?" the judge said as his voice shook while talking to the boy who saved his universe.

"I have heard that this building possesses a certain truth serum named Veritaserum..." Harry said as Draco become numb at the sound of the words he had just pronounced. He did not know why but something about this serum made his bones ache and his teeth grit together.

"Young man why would you suggest that we would hold such potion in our facility. It is a very forbidden way to uphold the truth throughout our world!" the man said aggressively but before he could continue a blond boy interrupted

"I would be willing to take it!" Draco said as he looked at the judge and then his mother. "We would be willing to take it!" the pale boy said firmly. The judge looked around the room and then looked down.

"Alright. Follow me." the man said as he stood up from his desk and began to walk out of the room.

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