Chapter 39. A Body With A Lost Soul

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*Extreme violence is depicted, viewer discretion is advised.*

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! YOU WILL NEVER GET TO FEEL HIS LOVE AGAIN UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE!" Lucius screamed but Draco did not even have the time to react before his father screamed again. "CRUCIO!" the blond man yelled as he pointed his wand towards his son. Draco fell to the ground in the most excruciating pain he had ever felt. The pain was so powerful that it consumed him entirely, he could not remember anything... He could not think, all he could do was scream at the top of his lungs...

The Cruciatus Curse was one of the three unforgivable curses. It was known for being the most sinister curse, after the killing curse Avada Kedevra, to wizardkind. It could send any wizard who performed it directly to Azkaban. It had been used on Neville's parents, Aurors Alice and Frank Longbottom, in the First Battle of Hogwarts and had driven them to complete insanity. And now Draco had to endure the same pain. Lucius finally moved his wand away. He then kneeled to the ground and took a knife from his cloak and pressed it down against Draco's skin over and over. The boy's  skin parted to let the blood drip down from it. Tears fell but his whole body was in shock... he could not move... He could just feel the blade pierce through his skin or his dad's hands swing and hit his frail body.

Lucius dragged Draco all the way to the basement. His bones crushed the floor and hit objects on his way down the stairs. He was bleeding so intensively and felt weaker and weaker.

"CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO!" the Slytherin father yelled as he watched his son cry. Every part of Lucius that was still human was gone. He felt power for abusing his son. He felt like he was superior, stronger... better. He tied Draco to a rope that forced him to stay in place. "EVERY MEMORY YOU HAVE OF HIM WILL BE ERASED! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO BE A DISGRACE, AN ANIMAL! OR YOU WILL NOT LIVE!" he said while wrapping his hands around the pale boy's neck as he listened to him suffocate. Draco turned blue as the pressure tightened and his airways lost air. He was holding on to any humanity he had left but Harry was his only source of knowing what being truly alive felt like and he was slipping away through his fingers... the raven haired boy was becoming a distant memory that seemed almost unreal... almost made up... Draco was between life and death... and he wondered that if the light he was beginning to see was the same light that Lily and James Potter had seen many years ago in Godric's Hollow... when Lily's love saved Harry... and at the same time when Lily's love saved Draco... Because without Harry... he did not know who he would be. And in that moment the blond felt a sense of pure respect and love for the woman who would forever have red locks... and it was in that moment that Lucius pulled back and Draco survived... almost as if Lily's love had once again conquered evil...

But the fight was not over sadly... The Slytherin boy would never see those shades of green in his dormitories again or the smile on Pansy and Blaise's face to that he sometimes took for granted... He would be locked in this cell... locked as the Cruciatus Curse would take every single parcel of his happiness away... until he was nothing but a body with a lost soul...

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