Chapter 49. Labyrinth

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The judge's words were but an opening act in a concert, words that would never fully resonate within. Harry ran down the staircase as his heart searched for its missing pieces and his eyes tried to find the grey zone that was Draco's eyes. Even if the war was over, he knew he could never feel complete until he had Draco with him.

Hundreds of prisoners were locked in the basement, most of them recognized the raven haired boy as he ran down the hallways but some had not seen the light of day in too long. He tried to find the cell with the blond but he was lost in a labyrinth of fear that he had not be in since the fourth year of Hogwarts when Cedric had died... He was scared that this would be the same, that somehow he would never see the Slytherin again... But he trudged on as hope filled his lungs and that is when in a distance it was this time that he found the boy... like the grey-eyed boy had once found him on the Quidditch field long ago...

"DRACO!" Harry yelled as the sad boy turned his eyes...

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