Chapter 61. My Forever

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Tension imbued the air, it was thicker than oxygen, heavier than any thought. Draco's eyes fluttered into Harry's direction, glimmering at merely the boy's existence amongst a world he had never trusted. His eyes iridescent to his lover's emotions, a kaleidoscope of colors altering solely by fainted regards.

"Draco Malfoy..." Harry said as he lowered his head to the wooden panels below his feet. "I never knew what love was until I encountered you..." The Slytherin cried at the words. He let the tears roll down his face; he did not stop them. Harry advanced toward him. His hands were frailty and caution, shaking gently as he reached for the blond's pointed visage. In his movements we saw so much of the man he had become today, a man cable of unconditional love, a man who loved fervidly. His fingers were ashen where the sunlight caught them, not ghostly like a white person, just subdued and greyish. Though, as they caught Draco's cheeks they turned reddish, almost as if liquid red life commenced to originate and circulate within him once more. Letting him live to love.

Draco turned his face. He felt weakened by the boy's touch. He did not want Harry to see his sobs. There was a certain rawness to Draco's cries, like the pain was still an open wound, almost cascading out of him like silent screams. Though, these were not cries of pain, only the inverse. They were tears of hope, of hope in a world that was not just, a world that was not kind.

"Do not turn away from me..." Harry said as he moved Draco's face back into his glance. Their eyes were speaking so deeply that words were once more a tragedy. The gray of the blond's eyes deteriorated into blue as if he was a flowing river, and Harry's became greener as if he was the forest that surrounded it. The thing that needed to exist in order to give the small waves everlasting company.

Harry leaned his mouth closer to Draco's, but instead brushed his lips against the skin of his neck. Draco brusquely backed away, it reminded of something his father had done to him as he abused him. His eyes clouded gray, his breaths quivering, his posutre unstable...

"What happened to you? What did he do to you...? I know he did something, if not you would not have forgotten me..." Harry said with tears cementing his iris.

Draco began to cry again, trying to shift his expression from the Gryffindor's, but Harry refused to look away, even as Draco's lips trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, his body unwilling to back down. His light lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands clenched into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against his own grief. A lone tear traced down the Slytherin's cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. He wept, tears streaming from his light blue eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from his throat, and still he tired to look away but to no avail. Harry would not leave him in this time, he would not let his soul cease, but even at this most vulnerable time... Draco still seemed odly strong. It was not until the sobs drove him to his knees did his determined gaze fall, and so he thought would the love Harry had for him...

Harry went on his knees as Draco sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his robes. The raven haired boy held him in silence, rocking him slowly as his tears soaked his chest. A tiny lapse let Draco pull away, blinking through foggy canvases, before he collapsed again, his howls of misery worsening. The pain came in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before he hurled back into the outstretched arms of his own grief, but Harry would not let this go on any longer.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy..." he said as he wipped away the tears from the ghostly hued boy. "I have been isolated my whole life, in a windowless room, a doorless room, but being around you, with you, is like finally being not alone. It is almost as if you strolled in from a spring meadow bringing happiness along your way. You are like a first or last breath, beautiful and at peace. I do not know what happened to you. I cannot even begin to imagine, but I can be your 'coming home to' as well." Draco's sobs turned into joy.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Potter. Harry James Potter..." he said crying happily as if there had never been sadness. "Do you know that?" he added as he tightened his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry pulled back and looked into the only eyes that could ever warm his calloused soul.

"I want you in every way, forever..." Draco said as he let the robe fall from Harry's shoulders, leaving him only in his white blouse...

"As do I..." Harry admitted as thoughts of love creeped into his mind...

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