Chapter 18. The Unexpected Savior

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Ron and Hermione came quickly after hearing McGonagall's worried tone. Their footsteps were very loud but Harry did not hear them coming. Worrisome took over the pair as they got closer to The Chosen One.

"He is in a very bad condition!" said McGonagall with a sad regard while looking mostly at Hermione.

"What happened? How did this happen?" Hermione said raising her voice while it cracked at every other word.

"Your friend Mister Potter decided to fly on his broom during harsh weather conditions and due to this, he fell off his broom from very high up. Thank goodness for Mister Malfoy!" said Madam Pomfrey sternly.

"Why, Malfoy?" Hermione said coldly.

"Because if it was not for him finding Harry, his injuries would be much worse and maybe even fatal. It is a good thing he was on his path!" said Madam Pomfrey happily.

Hermione's eyes lowered as she thought of the pale boy. Every inch of her being hated him but she could not help but be slightly grateful to him. Ron wondered why Malfoy would even speak up about finding Harry but was still glad he did. Though, the thought of him calling her a mud-blood seeped back into her thoughts and disgust took over her.

Hermione and Ron approached Harry slowly and looked at the weak boy. He was asleep from one of the potions Madam Pomfrey gave him and seemed very different. He was wrapped in tons of bandages and looked very stiff. Hermione traced her fingers along his arms and fingers while a tear streamed down her face. She felt responsible for his suffering. She should have known something was wrong once he did not come to the library, she told herself.

Madam Pomfrey came slowly into the room and informed the pair that visitation hours were over. Hermione looked up at her and nodded while wiping the tears from her rosy cheekbones. Ron gave a shy smile and extended his loving hand, seeing her in such pain made him broken-hearted. Hermione looked up at him and interlocked her fingers with his. Everything in the room stopped. The fiery pain she once felt had been extinguished. Now, the only thing that was left was her and him and everything between them. And for a second she thought to herself... what if everything she had always been looking for was always right in front of her... what if it only took just one smile for her to realize that he was the one after all these years...

The pair walked away slowly... hand in hand... forgetting the world left behind them...


A/N: Sorry for this chapter. I really dislike it and I feel like it is far from my best work. My next chapter will be better. Thank you for everything! My readers mean the world to me and I could not be more grateful! Thank you so much xxx I sincerely feel so lucky!!!

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