Chapter 14. Quidditch

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A/N: Today is the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter. Thank you so much for being part of my life, and may you continue to be until the very end...


Harry had Quidditch practice today. He was so relieved that he could finally get all of his darker thoughts out of his mind. He could feel that something bad was about to happen, he could not explain it but he knew something wicked was coming. He knew there would be lives lost and people left broken.

Harry got onto his broomstick and stormed into the air. He let the wind go through his raven hair and everything leave his mind. Quidditch practice had been amazing. It gave Harry the ability to numb to pain for a while. After a while, the team captain said "Alright, that was a great practice. We are done for the day!" and everyone went to the locker rooms, everyone except Potter. He gave a fast glance to his team members and said "I am going to continue practicing for a while. I am not ready to go back inside just yet." He said as he waved goodbye to them.

Hermione and Ron spent the day in the library. She tried to help Ron study but it was utterly useless. Hermione expected Harry to join them but he never did. She looked around the room, her brown orbs searching the room for her other best friend but he was nowhere to be found.

Draco was wondering around the castle when he suddenly had the idea to go to the Quidditch field. He had spent all day with Pansy and Blaise making fun of the first years.

"How young and stupid the young fellow first years are!" Pansy spat as she played with a piece of her straight hair.

"It reminds me of each time a new Weasley comes to Hogwarts with rugged clothes and red unbrushed hair." Draco said smirkingly

The trio of Slytherins separated as Pansy and Blaise went off to The Three Broomsticks and Draco to the Quidditch field. Malfoy went to his bedroom and grabbed his broomstick that was leaning against his bed frame and took off his robe. But right before leaving Draco looked at himself in the mirror: the arrogance from his first years had faded slightly and his demeanor was softer... He pulled up his sleeve and looked down at his forearm frowning slightly. It was just regular white skin but something about it made him uneasy. His usual paleness became even whiter...

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