Chapter 52. Lucius Malfoy

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"Lucius Malfoy, son of Abraxas Malfoy, will now be called into questioning under the influence of Veritaserum." the judge proclaimed as the white-haired man was pushed into the middle of the room. The potion was poured down his throat as two men restrained him, and then he was restrained to a chair in the middle of the room. Lucius would have done all of these things on his own, because by not having done them would have made him look all that more guilty.

After another long and dreadful fifteen minutes the judge spoke. And even though Lucius was powerful he too could not resist Veritaserum. He was tired of always trying so hard.

"Please state your full name." the judge stated.

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Please state your son and wife's names."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black Malfoy."

"I see, which house did you attend at your time in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"


"I see that you possess the Dark Mark. Is that in fact true?"


"Was it intentional?"

"Yes..." Lucius said as his voice broke, and the judge sat back in his chair.

"Then why do I hear a slight doubt in your response, Mister Malfoy? So therefore, it was not intentional."

"It was not on purpose, but it was not on accident either."

"How could that be? Explain in further detail."

"I never wanted to be a Death Eater at first. I was not necessarily a good kid growing up, but I never wanted to be evil per se."

"What changed?" the judge asked now curiously and with a hint of empathy.

"The First Wizarding War."


"I saw what happened to the Potters. I got worried. I wanted to protect my wife and my new born son. I thought that the only way was by being the enemy instead of hiding from the enemy. I thought I was doing the right thing. I really did. I never anticipated what was going to come out of it. I just did it to protect my true family, but..."

"But what, Mister Malfoy?"

"But I became drunk, drunk on all the power, drunk on being what I thought was superior, drunk on having control... It took over me like the moon does every night. I no longer pretended to be evil, I was." the blonde man said with tears. The judge thought for a moment. He thought back on his mother who had turned to the dark forces; he thought about how even though there was maybe malice in Mister Malfoy that it did not mean there was not any good, but even at could not change all the bad he had done.

"I... I need to know Mister Malfoy... have you ever killed someone?" the judge said wishing he did not have to ask... Lucius tried to fight off the Veritaserum. He tried to say no, but he could not. In reality, he was maybe strong enough to break the potion's influence, but he was tired. He was so tired of the lies, of the suffering, of his own evilness. He was tired. So unbelievably and inexplicably tired. So, he gave in. Though, he did not know that Draco was standing just a little bit behind in handcuffs. Maybe he would have tried harder if he would have known that... His son, his only fucking son and he was a failure to him. He had hurt him. He had destroyed him.

"Once." Lucius said brokenly


"I killed someone once, and I destroyed many others..." the Slytherin man proclaimed as he let himself cry. Remorse was a fickle thing, but nevertheless Lucius, the man of no emotion, was showing it. And it was true for he was under Veritaserum. "I hurt people. It is what I do." he cried. The judge closed his eyes. He needed to stay neutral.

"You killed someone?"


"Were you forced?"

"Voldemort was watching. I was not forced first-handedly, but I felt like I had to. I knew he was watching."

"But he did not force you?" the judge wanted to forfit. He knew deep down that even if the Dark Lord had not directly forced him that if Lucius would not have killed the man that the Dark Lord would not have been as remorseful. Though, the judge had no choice but to ask the questions that were required of him.

"No, he did not." Lucius said well aware of the consequences that would follow. He knew that he should not be pinned for killing a man that Voldemort would have killed him for if he did not. And plus it was an evil man as well, but he knew that even if he should not be held accountable for that one instance... That there was a hundred thousand more that he should be punished for.

"I find Lucius Malfoy guilty for first degree murder, the holding of illegal potions, the use of illegal potions, abstaining the truth from the Ministry and being an ally of the Dark Lord for over a decade. I condem you to life in Azkaban for your actions with no possibility of parole. Court dissimed." the judge said as he hit the malette to the wooden platform bellow him. He did not look back up. He knew he had just signed someone's death wish, but he knew there was no other choice.

A guard pulled Lucius up. The man looked like he had just gained ten years, the wrinkles in his face deepened and he seemed ill. He turned around and saw Draco and Narcissa. His heart stopped for a moment. My son... my wife.

The only good memories of his life played before him. He remembered things that he thought he grew cold to. He remembered teasing Narcissa as a student, always telling his friends he did not like her when in fact he was head over heels. He remembered the day he teased her in the Quidditch field and she fell to the ground... He remembered helping her up but falling over her and the way their eyes spoke a language he had never heard. He remembered the courage he had to find within himself to grab her face and allow his lips to brush against hers; he remembered the warmth. His eyes filled with more tears. Flashbacks of their first dates, of their marriage at nineteen that nobody thought would last, of her face when she said she was pregnant. He then turned to Draco. He remembered the day Narcissa said it was a son. He remembered how happy that secretly made him. He had always wanted a son. He had always wanted someone to teach the world to. He remembered his birth, his first steps, his first laugh, his first words. All the things that were so insignificant to him before, but that meant everything in the world to him now...

He looked at them one more time, cried and turned around to never look back.

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