Chapter 57. Can't Be Reached

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Days were passing rapidly, and school was starting tomorrow. Harry would be taking his last and final year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He could feel the stress bubbling up inside of him, even if there was no real reason he should worry. Voldemort was dead. Good had won. However, Harry was still struck with sadness. He had heard the news about Draco's departure from the Ministry cells yet Draco had still not contacted him.

Though, even if Harry was upset.. He was not stupid. He knew that Draco was not purposely ignoring him. He remembered the love he saw in the Slytherin's eyes almost a week prior... It was impossible that he was purposely staying away.


At the Malfoy Manor, things were different. Narcissa and Draco had spend days crying and crying and crying, until there were no more tears left in their bodies. Things were finally beginning to hurt a tiny bit less. Narcissa had managed to make Draco laugh one morning by burning the eggs and making a joke about how Lucius always cooked. A lot of people would not have guessed it, but Lucius adored to cook. Even though, the house elf often cooked most of the time, it was definitely never Narcissa. She was the worst of all. Lucius felt at home in the kitchen. They kept recalling all the times he would make them breakfast growing up, and all the times he would sing in the kitchen.

Draco laughed again and again as Narcissa kept making fun of her cooking as she blamed it on Lucius always being the one to make meals. Yes, it was a laugh, but it was still a painful one. If any outsider would be listening they would have easily been able to hear the sheer pain that lingered in their laughter. It was so depressing, but at least it was laughter.

"Son...?" Narcissa said after starting a new batch of eggs as she watched them very carefully.

"Yes, mum?" Draco asked as he reached for two plates on the highest shelf.

"Hogwarts is starting tomorrow," she said turning her regard from the stovetop to that of her son's.

"I know," Draco said half chuckling wondering what exactly his mom was trying to really say.

"You have not graduated yet, Draco."

"I know," he voicer now understanding what she was hinting at, kind of angry that she would even consider bringing up something as mediocre as school in this time of sadness.

"Draco, you cannot run away from everything and everybody forever. The sooner you start, the sooner things will get easier. The more you hide, the more you'll look guilty!" she said trying to reassure him.

"Mother, it is not t-that," he said as tears welded up in his eyes once more.

"I know. I am sorry, my son. I know..." she stated as tears found their way back to her eyes so easily. She felt bad, but she knew he had to go back to school. Staying at home crying was not going to make him or her better... "I do not want to force you to go back, but you need to. I know you are sad. So am I, but this will not last forever. Time will heal us."

"Are you obliging me?" Draco asked as he looked down. He wanted to go back but not becuase of school becuase of Harry. He was still terrified, it had been over a week. What if everything Harry had said was just in his head, what if the cells had made him mad like his father and Harry never truly came to see him.

"Yes, Draco I am sorry," Narcissa uttered as she knew he would hold it against her for a long time. She was right. Draco got up, walked up the stairs, and slammed the door of his bedroom.

"How could all of this be happening to me?" he thought to himself. He thought about everything. No longer sure what to decipher as real and fake? His mind was still playing games with him, and it was almost easier to let it forget again, because caring meant pain, and Draco was really tired of that, of always feeling that he was on the verge of being hurt once more.

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