Chapter 15. Victorious and Defeated

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B/N: If you can listen to the song: Stay In The Dark by Lambert while reading this.

Draco knew his forearm would not always remain bare, and just the thought of that made him ill. He could not help but feel pain throughout every inch of his body. "Why, why, why..." he whispered to himself with a broken voice. He slowly pulled his sleeve back down and looked in the mirror once more.

Draco slowly grabbed his broom weakly and left the Slytherin Dormitories and Common Room. He felt the inevitable need to be alone. He began to walk towards the castle doors when he suddenly saw the immense amount of rain hitting the ground and the lightning bolts striking every couple of seconds. For a moment, Draco was about to turn around but then something came over him... as he looked back into the castle, he saw students giggling and laughing... and then he realized...he was nostalgic of something that had not even happened yet, the oblivion of something as simple as freedom. And he knew it was now just a matter of time before that would be taken away from him too...

Draco looked at the students giggling and bolted directly out of the castle. He was incapable of staying there for even another second. He ran to the Quidditch grounds as fast as he could with his broom in hand. The pouring rain felt like hundreds of millions of cold bullets falling onto him and the lightning resonated in his ears like thousands of screams. The earth was giving the smell it does right after or during it rains, and Draco almost felt like he could feel the land move underneath his feet. He felt locked and imprisoned in a trance, with no escape. Every step he took, his feet felt heavier and louder as he got closer and closer to the field. He was lost in Neverland, except this one was not full of dreams but darkness.

The temperature kept dropping and Draco's translucent skin began to have goosebumps all over it. Shivers were going down his spine and his hair was drenched, but weirdly enough he had never felt more alive. Draco fell to his knees and looked up at the sky. The rain washed out all of his own cries and he could feel part of his heart meld back together. It was the first time he was set loose from the unavoidable grip of his family's persistence. He felt victorious and defeated all at once.

The mud stained his pants and hands as he let out screams of nothing more than proving to his own self he was alive. He wanted to be in control of his future, of his own life... He was stuck between ensuring his family's survival and ensuring his own because there would be no life if he had it chosen for him.

From afar in a distance, Draco saw what looked like the silhouette of a boy... The boy laid on the ground with no signs of movement, he had dark black hair and seemed lifeless. Draco got up from his knees and approached the boy slowly...

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