Chapter VI: Late Night and Corridors

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The day passed by so slowly. Harry could not concentrate in any of his classes. The minutes dragged on like hours, and time felt like an hourglass glued to the table. Charms finished at 6 o'clock, and Harry went to the Great Hall for dinner. After dinner, Harry went to the library and spent hours on end studying. He tried to keep his mind of anything that was harmful or upsetting but it was difficult. In the end, his dark thoughts always conquered him and he would just sit there forever, thinking about all the horrible things happening.

When Harry's eyes began to shut, he got up from the table and set off to the Gryffindor Tower for the night. His eyelids felt heavy, and he felt the dark lines starting to shape under his eyes. His books felt like bags of sand, and his feet were numb. He walked down numerous hallways until he finally ended up getting lost. He was alone in the dark somber hallway, with nobody in sight. But from a distance footsteps approached him. The sound of each of them echoed around the castle. "Potter," Draco said in a rugged but low voice.

Harry stood entirely frozen at the sound of the familiar voice. He felt his heart lunge out of his chest. Harry looked up at the pale wizard in awe. He could not control the feelings Malfoy gave him. Something about Malfoy drew Harry in. It was not a misunderstanding, the Amortentia had smelled like him for a reason. The smell of vanilla was now at its strongest...

But when Harry looked at Malfoy, what he saw was unexpected. Malfoy was not himself, his grey eyes seemed more somber than usual, and they were slightly shiny. He seemed like a broken toy that was unrepairable. He could have even sworn that tears were about to fall from Malfoy's eyes.

Both Draco and Harry had a horribly difficult time falling asleep that evening. Harry could not help but wonder why Malfoy seemed to be so different. The thought of Malfoy sad compelled Harry. He had never seen him show even the slightest bit of emotion. That night Harry knew, he could no longer fight his inner demons. He knew that nobody would understand it; it would only be a love he knew, but, some part of him, whether or not that part be small or big, but part of him, part of him, wanted Draco... even if that meant destruction...

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