Chapter 25. Tensions

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"Blaise!" Draco shouted after fisting his best friend's arm.

"Fuck, Draco what was the point of that?" said Blaise half angrily.

"I need to talk to you!"

The two boys walked down the hallways and into the dungeons. The light-skinned Slytherin looked around to make sure nobody was in his surroundings and sat down. He felt slightly uneasy and looked at Blaise, still uncertain if he was going to confess. Draco looked up but before he could speak a grin began to form on Blaise's face.

"Why are your buttons wrongly attached Draco?" Blaise said in hysterics.

Draco's cheeks became redder than the blood that circulated within him. He looked down and put his white fingers through his platinum hair, refusing to look back up at his best friend.

"So, did you and Astoria...?"

"Stop it, Blaise!" Draco said almost shouting and blood-shot red.

"Just admit it! Why did not you come to class?" Blaise spat.

The blond looked up and smiled.

"Yeah, it happened!" Draco now said with what seemed like no care in the world. "She is pretty and all... but not really worthy of me!" the boy said with arrogance.

"Well, look who is acting all superior. No other than you, of course." Blaise said

"I mean it was okay but there is obviously better!" Draco said leaning back on the couch and stretching his arms upwards.

"You know Draco, just because you are rich does not mean you have the right to be a dick with girls."

"I would not talk if I was you, leaving Pansy broken-hearted and all. Leaving me there to pick up the pieces like some idiot." Draco said madly.

Blaise looked at his best friend in anger "You will never be happy with anybody. Maybe people are right about you!" He then stormed out of the room and left the soon-to-be Death Eater alone... where his thoughts would once again consume him.

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