Chapter VIII: I Want To Forget

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Harry tossed and turned all night. No matter how hard he tried to get some sleep, he could not. Harry had always believed that the mind was stronger than the heart, but this night was proving him wrong. His head was telling him that he was couldn't love him, but his heart could care less.

Harry kept mumbling things uncontrollably in his sleep, his voice was raspy and he sounded concerned. But only someone who had been close enough to him at the time could have heard what he had truly said. That night Harry's voice grew louder and louder until it became so loud that it woke up the redhead beside him. Ron slept in the bed next to him and had heard Harry's loud mumbles.

"Harry?", Ron said.... but there was no answer so he tried again "Harry are you okay?" Ron went over to Harry's bed and slowly touched his shoulder.
"Harry are you okay?"

"Ron..." Harry said, as he quickly got up and hugged Ronald. Ron felt weird, Harry and him never hugged. He did not know how to react. But he knew his best friend needed him so he hugged him back. A silent warm tear rolled down Harry's face, he hated everything that was happening. He did not want to feel this way about Draco or be worried about Voldemort. He just wanted things to be simple and easy, but he refused to sit there upset. He allowed himself one more second of weakness and then pulled back from the hug. "Thank you, Ron! I just had a really bad dream," Harry said. Ron gave him an awkward half-smile and put his fingers through his red smooth hair as he walked over to his bed.

Harry hated himself for being weak. He hated not having the ability to control his own emotions. He waited until Ron fell back asleep and then softly got out of his bed. He then grabbed his wand from the window seal and crept out of the dormitories. Harry walked around the castle for what seemed like hours until he entered the bathroom right above the Great Hall, the bathroom where Myrtle was. He wanted to be alone, and he knew he would not meet any common faces here.

Harry stood over the sink and looked down. He let all the memories of Malfoy conquer his thoughts until he finally found the memory of when he began to fall in love with him. It was a simple memory, nothing particularly special... It was year one and Malfoy was sitting across from him in Herbology Class. Harry had looked up and for the first time had seen how beautiful Malfoy really was.  He saw his beautiful blonde hair falling across his face into his blue-grey eyes, his defined bone structure, his perfect porcelain skin, his tinted red cheeks from December's cold breeze... and then had heard Malfoy's laugh, not the usual condescending laugh he had been used to, but a real laugh.
Harry took his wand and put it against his temple, and with the memory in his mind, he mouthed the words, "Obliviate."

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