Chapter 35. You Are No Longer My Son

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The house elf slowly brought the cup to Draco that contained the truth serum. There were ways of resisting the potion but it was very rare and difficult. People who were unsuspecting and vulnerable had no power or control over the liquid. Draco being both vulnerable because of Harry and not knowing what was coming his way made it so that any type of will power to conquer it would fail.

The blond boy drank his water as he was still left alone in the dining room. He looked around him and felt a certain weight lifted off his shoulders. He was happy that he was able to avoid the subject... or at least so he thought. Veritaserum took time before being efficient and productive... Draco slowly got up from the table and walked to his bedroom that was at the other end of the mansion. The world was quiet as he walked down the corridors and you could see the light of his eyes beaming off the ones of the hallway. His eyes had once been a sailor lost at sea on a damned ship in the middle of a downpour... but they had now found a safe harbor... a lost island in the Atlantic sea. But deep down he still knew the fight was not over, his dad would return and so would his sadness.

His room was silent until the sound of a thump could be heard against the carved wooden doors as Lucius swung the door open.

"Hello, son." the blond haired man said once again

"Hello..." Draco replied

"How are you?" Lucius asked

"I am not okay, actually. I feel quite odd all of sudden. I feel almost sad." Draco said surprised by his own words. He could not believe he had admitted that to his father.

"Is that so. Why must that be the case?"

"I do not know. I feel so much pressure from everyone around me. It is making me anxious and depressed." the boy admitted sternly but after a moment he could not deny it... something was horribly off. He would never say something so openly to his father. His facial expression changed and anger took over. "You did not! You did not do this." Draco hissed

"But I did, I needed to get the truth some way or another!"

"You cannot do that! You cannot control me like that!"

"Seems already too late for that. So, who is it Draco?" Lucius demanded

"I will never tell you. You will not win at this. I refuse to be a pawn in your game, a slave of the so-called king." Draco cried out as pain began to take over his body

"The more you try to resist the more pain you will feel. The suffering will just multiply." Lucius said smiling. "So, who is it?"

"Stop, father... Stop!"

"No! I demand to know. Who is it, Draco?"

"Nob...ody..." the boy said as he shrieked in pain. The potion was devouring the inside of him, trying to make him expose the truth.

It had been twenty minutes but Draco continued to yell in pain as his father asked the question over and over again. "Who is it?", "Who is it?", "Tell me!" he would repeat shouting. Most people would succumb to Veritaserum in under than two minutes. Lucius was surprised of his son. He had never seen someone resist it so long unless they had the antidote or the power of Occlumency. "I am hopeful to believe they are amongst our house, Slytherin. Of course!" Lucius stated. But because the question was less difficult... The blond boy began to crack...

"No..." he cried of undeniable pain

"Are you meaning to say she comes from a different house?"


"Which house, Draco?", "TELL ME!" Lucius yelled


"GRYFFINDOR!", "WHO IS IT, DRACO?" the man screamed even louder. The pain was excruciating and strong. "She better be a Pure-Blood!"

"No..." he cried but it was useless. "Half..." his voice shuttered and broke. Tears streamed down his face... Lucius was now so angry. He could not even look at him.

"Who is it? WHO IS IT? I WILL NOT ASK YOU AGAIN!" The boy did everything but he finally withered away... he finally could not handle the pain that was being inflicted upon him...

"It's Ha..r..ry.." the Slytherin student said sobbingly

"POTTER!" he screamed. "YOU ARE NOT MY SON!" Lucius screamed louder than he ever had as he walked out of the room. But Draco stood up and ran after him.

"Dad, no please do not go! I have always felt like I was a disgrace to you, to the family. PLEASE, IT WAS NOT MY CHOICE! I cannot change myself! FATHER PLEASE..." Draco tried to stop himself but the Veritaserum had won. His emotions were all true, everything honest. "FATHER!" Draco said one last time as he all of a sudden felt his blood rush to his cheeks. Lucius had swung his fist across his face and Draco ended up on the floor immobilized.

"YOU WILL NEVER BE MY SON AGAIN!" Lucius yelled as he took Draco's crumpled body to the basement of Malfoy Manor and locked him in a cell... If only he would have known... maybe he would have been prepared but truthfully nobody could have prepared for this... for these moments where time felt like a watch with hands glued down.. and where his whole existence would be questioned...

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