Chapter 21. White Bed Sheets

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Forest green illuminated the room as a pair of eyes opened as they awakened. The outline of a young boy laid on white bed sheets. Harry had been in the hospital for just under a week and could still feel the pain where his bones had been crushed by the earth's surface. Hermione and Ron sat beside him with huge smiles written across their faces. They found a deep comfort within Harry's weak grin because at least for now they knew he was okay.

"He still needs to rest for the day. He can attend classes tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey said with care. Hermione clenched her best friends hands and brushed a piece of hair out of his face.

"We will see you tomorrow!" she said as they both got up and left the room. Harry just smiled back as he saw his best friends leave.

Ron and Hermione headed over to The Grand Hall and sat beside Neville. In the far corner of the room, Ron saw Draco. He could still not believe that he actually helped Harry. Even if it was only in the smallest of ways it consumed Ron's every thought.

The rest of the day passed by extremely slowly, Hermione and Ron had examinations in two classes. And even Hermione had not studied as much, as usual, considering her worrisome for Harry and the speculation of Voldemort coming. Hermione just wanted everything to be normal but everything felt wrong. One day Ronald seemed to be madly in love with her and the next he barely seemed to acknowledge her own existence. She could not handle the constant uncertainty and wanted stability. She wanted Ron to finally make her feel how special she truly was.

After countless hours in the library, both Ron and Hermione were ready for bed. They slowly walked up to the Gryffindor Tower and set off for the night. Hermione laid in bed as she played with her wet curls and thought about the feeling of Ron's arms around her waist and his lips caressing hers. She thought about the warmth of his breath against her skin and the passion they could maybe one day feel between the sheets... She hated herself for having these thoughts... but at least she was not the only one, somewhere on white bed sheets a boy dreamed of another one in the same way...

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