Chapter II: Brewing and Glares

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The whole room smelled like Malfoy's cologne. Snape was about to make a snappy remark, but before he could speak Harry blurted loudly, "why does the room reek of Malfoy's cologne?" All of a sudden, there was a complete silence that filled the room. Ron and Hermione tried to keep a straight face but almost seemed frightened. Everybody in the room had their eyes all pointed directly at Harry. Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other for a second and began laughing hysterically. But, Malfoy just kept staring at the front of the room, with a blank face and porcelain skin. After a second or two, he turned to his friends and began to laugh along with them. He spent his time insulting Harry and this time would be no different.

Hermione finally took a deep breath and tried to loosen up her dry throat before speaking, "Harry," she said gazing at the cauldron. "This is Amortentia." she sighed, but Harry stood there without a clue in the world. Hermione looked at his blank expression and took another profound breath, "Amortentia is a love potion; it smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." Every inch of air had been completely sucked out of the room once Hermione ended her sentence, even Professor Snape could not help but watch.

Harry's cheeks grew darker than the blood that ran through his veins, more profound than the colour of his Hogwarts house and hotter than the fire that represented the Braves. Every part of him was screaming from the inside out. Embarrassment and worry took over him. He wanted to move but his feet felt nailed to the ground. How could it be that the boy that he hated since year one, he was somehow attracted to?

Harry finally felt the blood run back to his feet as he ran quickly out of the classroom. His sudden movement made Malfoy turn around. His usual pale visage had become slightly redder and his eyes a little wider. Being in Slytherin, he could not say he was easily stunned but this was one of the rare times he was. He felt without words, not because he felt the same, but, because, Harry felt it.

Nobody thought about going to go talk to Harry that day. Everyone was too shocked to take into consideration Harry's emotions. Hermione and Ron refused to talk to each other about what happened in Potion's Class earlier that day, the thought of Harry liking Malfoy even the littlest send them both with shivers down their spines. Malfoy had been their enemy since year one, and his family was full of a bunch of Death Eaters. They thought to themselves: "Harry deserves better than some pretentious blood-sucking, Malfoy!"

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