Chapter 12. Draught of Peace

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Harry looked into Draco's direction and saw him looking down. Draco's eyes were stuck to the table. He looked up at Harry and for a second his cold silvery eyes turned to a warm ash color. His lips went to an upward curvature as he began to laugh a little harder each time. "It looks like you and I are partners. Is that going to be a problem for you, Potter?" Draco said in hysterics.

Harry just nodded his head no and sat beside the ivory-skinned wizard. He had never been so close to Draco before. He noticed his beautiful jaw line as sharp as the Gryffindor sword, his defined collarbones, and his pale long masculine fingers. His arms were long and his posture was certain. His light blonde hair was sleeked back and gave the glow of everlasting wheat fields. But most of all was his eyes, the eyes that would forever be Harry's one true weakness, the cloudy blue and charcoal eyes...

"Potter, may you please pass me the powdered moonstone. I need you to concentrate!" Harry slowly glanced across the table to see where it was located. Draco had both of his hands on the dark gray cauldron and could not reach it himself. The moonstone powder was right beside the cauldron on Draco's right side and Harry was sitting on the left. Harry slowed crossed his arms over Draco's, almost touching his fluorescent skin, and grabbed the moonstone. He could feel his heart beating faster and faster as he got closer to the Slytherin. The smell of vanilla was so strong that Harry could almost not retain himself. The smell lingering across Draco's skin made Harry succumb. He was just a couple of centimeters away but so far all at the same time... Sadness pierced Harry's soul at the thought of Draco never being his.

Draco realized the eyes against his snowy skin and looked down at Harry, realizing for the first time the boy's eyes. Draco thought something to himself and tried to remain silent but something inside of him conquered him "Your eyes Potter, I never realized your eyes were of such a dark green." Harry felt the blood rush to his cheeks as for the first time he saw Draco noticed something about him. "Too bad they look like your dead mother's!" Draco said harshly. The words felt like vile coming out of his mouth but he was just too disgusted by the thought of Harry looking at him.

The boys failed to brew the potion correctly that class. Harry had been struck by Malfoy's words like hundreds of knives stabbing him directly to the heart... The thoughts of all things sad in his life came flooding back, like a village after a tsunami. What if maybe the world was not cut out for people like him...? What would come of him, Mister Harry Potter... the supposed Chosen One?

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