Chapter 62. Everything

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Harry looked at Draco as he slid off his robe from his shoulders as well. Both boys were only left with a white blouse and ties.

"My father, my father, he abused me..." Draco admitted with teary eyes. Harry stayed silenced for a moment; he was not sure how to feel. Hatred streamed his blood vessels as he thought of someone hitting his beloved Draco, but also sadness filled him to the brim.

"Draco..." Harry said as he brushed his fingers to his lover's face, and they both let tears stream down their faces once more.

"Every person who has ever touched me it's been out of malice..." the blond said as Harry put his hands through the boy's hair.

"You should only be touched by hands that love you, by a person that is madly in love with you..." the raven haired boy said as his eyes kept blurring over. Draco looked into his soulmate's eyes.

"You should not be the one crying. I do not want you to cry." the Slytherin said as tears become waterfalls down his high raised cheekbones. Harry took it within himself to stop being weak. He needed to be there for Draco. He had never considered being the dominant one, but Draco was like a broken toy. He needed to nuture him back to life, to be the light that would break up his darkness. "My father..." Draco said this time pulling both hands over his face and crying profusely. So many tears had been shed, Harry just wanted Draco to be okay...

"Yes...?" Harry said with tears still manifesting in his own eyes.

"There is something you do not know... My father... he did worse than hit me... Worse than using the Cruciatus Curse to manipulate my memories of you..."

"WAIT! He used that curse on you?" Harry said appalled but heartbroken all at once. It was even worse than he had thought.

"There's something else he..." But Draco could not force the words to come out. He was suffering so much. Harry wanted to tell him that he did not have to talk about it, but he knew from his own experience, that bottling up emotions does not make them go away. He looked upon the pale boy's face and watched as the warm water droplets touched his cold skin. "My father... he raped me..."

The silence of the students that had been in the Great Hall prior seemed like nothing to the silence that overtook the room now. Harry felt more than betrayed, it was a feeling he could not explain. "How could this happen; how could someone be so evil?" he thought to himself.

"He did it so I would stop fancying you, wanting you..." Draco said as he covered his face. "Maybe he was right...maybe I don't deserve you..." the boy said crying heavier. Harry grabbed Draco's face for what seemed like the fifth time.

"When will you understand, you are everything to me! You are more to me then I could ever begin to describe." Harry said as he kissed that tears that fell from his eyes. Draco looked back into the forest of green eyes and slightly smiled. He felt at peace.

"Make love to me..." the shy Malfoy whispered...

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