Chapter VII: A Thought From Long Ago

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That was the first night Harry dreamed of The Mysterious One. What if being in Slytherin did not imply what he used to think it did? Draco never had malice in him, it was just the facade he portrayed. He did not truly have it in himself to hurt someone. Slytherin house was full of misconceptions and so was he. Slytherins valued determination and ambition. They seemed judgmental and harsh, but, in fact, they were not. When they feel emotion they feel it heightened, whether or not that be sadness, hatred, love... Every single emotion their heart can feel is intensified and strengthened to a wider spectrum. When a Slytherin hates someone, the hatred runs deep within their veins, but, when they love, it is the deepest love to ever be seen. And even though, Harry did not know it yet, it was like the love Snape had for Lily-- a love so strong that it can conquer all evil. A love that will always live on, no matter how much time has elapsed. Draco would be imposed to become a Death Eater, imposed to be evil, when in fact, it was not who he sincerely was.

Harry reimagined Draco's eyes as he saw him walk in the dark corridor. He saw the silvery glow of Slytherin colours in his eyes, the cloudy underlying blue, and the sadness deep within them. Harry was stuck in a trance. Every single part of Draco drew him in: his smell, his porcelain skin, his smoky eyes, his blonde hair, his pointed visage, his mysteriousness, his inability to be understood... Harry imagined what it must feel like to be with him. The way it must feel to be loved by him. Even the thought of Draco, made Harry go mad. And the thought of his touch made him succumb.

He knew he could never have him. He knew even the idea of him, was already dangerous. Harry lived in a world where sadly love did not come first, a world in which nobody would understand his love. And right before he got lost in Draco's gloomy eyes, Harry woke up. He forced every single thought out of his head and forced himself to no longer want Draco, to no longer succumb to even the thought of him. Harry closed his eyes and counted to three: 1, 2, 3... and the image of the now unknown boy drifted further and further away as if he had never been more than just an illusion from long, long, ago.

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