Chapter 20. The Sacred Twenty-Eight

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"Hello!" a voice said from far-off. It was the voice of Daphne, the blue eyed blonde that Draco shared his classes with. Daphne and her family were known to be part of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, they consisted of one of few remaining British pure-blood families after the 1930's. And it was for this exact reason Draco knew Narcissa was so intrigued by them. Narcissa was still stuck in the mentality that her only child needed to marry a pure-blood and would be until the termination of The Second Wizarding War.

Astoria and Daphne were an amazing match, the epidemic of perfection. They were Slytherins, pure-bloods and beautiful. Draco's mother could not wish better for her son. The two families walked through the dimly lighted hallways covered in stone and down to the dining room. The lights glimmered as the pale-faced portraits began to appear from all around. Great men were depicted on every inch of the walls, descendants of the members of the house itself. Salazar Slytherin's presence was gleaming throughout the walls of the mysterious Manor.

The sound of heels was the first thing to enter the immense hall. Everyone circled around and sat at the almost enchanted dark-wood table. Food was brought rapidly as the subject of pure-blood declination filled the air. Astoria and Daphne sat across from Draco as he swirled his meal around in his plate. Draco had lost any signs of appetite and felt extremely ill. He could not even care to look up at the magnificent ladies sitting perpendicularly to him.

"Draco?" Daphne said as Astoria left the table for a moment.

Draco looked up for a moment and unconsciously moved his head.

"Have you ever considered Astoria in that way? I know she... well, she... is not your usual type, but..." Daphne said while being cut off.

"My type?" the pale boy said. "I have a type?"

"Look that is not the point of this conversation. Ever since the Potter situation, everyone is always invading in your personal business and..."

"And what? They have no reason to invade! I think you and everyone else should stop interfering with my"

"Look Draco! All I am saying is if you want this to end, maybe giving a chance to my sister would be a good idea. Because let's be honest nobody would ever believe you and me!" Daphne said annoyedly.

Draco remained silent and began to reflect on it. He was, in fact, tired of everyone's constant comments and knew that not only it would stop if he dated Astoria but he would also make his mother happy. Though, he still could not wrap his mind around it. Just when Draco was about to say no, Astoria walked in the room. She was stunning. Loose curls fell from the nape of her neck and her skin was that of a porcelain doll. Draco had never seen such a beautiful young woman and wanted to know what being with her felt like. He closed his eyes, looked up at Daphne and with a little smirk upon his pink lips he winked...

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