Chapter 64. Making Love

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EXTREME sexual content, viewer discretion is VERY advised. Haha. At last my stars🌟❤️!

Nothing matters. Nothing mattered. Nothing except that one moment out of a billion of others.

Harry got over Draco and kissed him like he had never been kissed. He crashed his lips bravely into the blond's and slid his tongue on his bottom lip, asking for entrance as Draco moaned more and more into his mouth. Their tongues touched like two soulmates separated at birth, known and unknown all at once, a sense of an unspoken familiarity in its hidden beauty.

Harry started off by the boy's lips as he slowly made his way to the Slytherin's jawline and then his neck. This made Draco's moans louder and louder as he clutched to the dark green covers surrounding him. Harry looked down at Draco, heart beating, pulse reading an all-time high and just took a minute to let the boy's body process in his head. He was more than beautiful.

"I want to kiss and make love to your body so passionately that I will remember the touch and feel of your skin forever..." Harry said biting his lips delicately. There was an enormous shy smile that began to trace itself across Draco's face after Harry said those words.

Harry then took Draco's hand, raised it to his lips and gently planted soft kisses at the top. The Gryffindor could hear the loud thumps that came from Draco's pulse as Draco bent his neck to the side, to give Harry more space.

The blond could feel Harry's smile press up against his skin as he began to bite his neck. Draco could feel his world-shattering to pieces. He started to moan the raven-haired boy's name, which only spurred Harry more on.

The Slytherin could feel a slight movement as Harry's pressure plunged him further into the bed. Harry kept kissing the sensitive spot on Draco's neck without stop. He became drunk of his held back moans and clutched fists full of bedsheets. Harry lusted knowing that it was because of him that Draco was unravelling himself. The dark haired boy removed his shirt while looking down at the blond. Draco was in heaven. He could feel his masculinity throbbing more than ever before at his lover's sudden nudity. He could not understand it but no matter how close Harry was, it was never close enough. "Harry, Harry, HARRY!" Draco said feeling his cheeks and upper body turn bright red. The slight brush of lips against his skin was too much for him to handle.

Harry growled against his neck. He did not even imagine how hard this would be. He had Draco under him, weeping for more, begging for him. He could feel every inch of himself grow tenser at Draco's moaning. He wanted him in every way possible. "Are you sure...?" Harry said making sure this is what Draco wanted.

"Yes, I love you..." the blonde said while his voice broke through his groans.

Harry left hickeys all down Draco's neck to his torso as he took the Slytherin's face in both his hands. He pressed his lips to Draco's, forgetting how much Draco's lips tasted of peppermints. He would never get over this feeling, the feeling of the cold but warm silky lips of the Slytherin, the way everything faded into oblivion when their tongues fluttered together, the way his teeth felt pressed against the blonde's bottom lip, and most of all the reddish just kissed tone Draco's lips would give off after long embraces.

"Harry, I- I- I..." Draco said trying to fight off his burning cheeks and mind. He had to say it. "I- I- I want-t you..." he said weeping at Harry's sudden lack of touch.

"God was he beautiful!" Harry thought to himself. "Draco, me too..." Harry said not trying to show his own weakness, even though the bulge in his pants was already giving everything away. "Honestly, when you were gone. I thought I would never get to see or hold you again. I thought I would never get what I had always dreamed of for so long..."

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