Chapter 32. Need You Home

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"Draco! Draco!" a blonde, blue eyed girl screeched from the other side of Draco's door. "Get up!" she yelled louder. The blond boy woke up suddenly to the sound of his classmate's voice. It was Daphne Greengrass, Astoria's sister.

"What?" Draco said as the millions of memories from the previous night made his heart beat faster and his blood pump harder. He stayed paralyzed for a moment as the thoughts came rushing in like rain clouds.

"It's important! Let me in!" Daphne shouted as Malfoy got up and opened the door

"What is it?" he said slightly angry

"Astoria... she went to Malfoy Manor this morning. She went to go tell your parents..."

"To tell my parents what?"

"To tell them you left her and that you loved someone else."


"Is it true, Draco?" the young Slytherin said curiously as an owl flew through the dormitory's open window with a letter. Draco took the letter and opened it harshly.

"My parents want me home!"

"I do not think Lucius will be happy. You know he wants you to marry someone fitting his standards and there are not many of us left! So, why did you break up with my sister?" the girl declared but the Slytherin Adonis left without saying a word. He crossed the Common Room where everybody was looking at him. Nobody could understand why he would break up with such a beautiful girl and wondered if the rumors were true. If he did, in fact, love someone else? And if yes, who? But Draco just looked down and walked by everyone as he made his way to his home.

When he arrived he knocked quietly on the front door and awaited an answer.

"Hello, son!" a deep voice stated

"Hello, father."

"Come in. We have a lot to discuss!" Lucius said with a brutal tone as he slammed the door behind the both of them...

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