Chapter 68. His Acceptance

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The next two days passed by so quickly to everyone except Harry and Draco. They could both feel the nervousness linger in their stomachs. This was the biggest day of their whole entire lives; they wanted nothing to go wrong. Draco knew by now that his best friends would not be coming. He knew that they had never truly accepted him and Harry. However, even though, Draco knew that his mother was not happy with his son's decision. He was unbelievably proud of her nevertheless; she had acted like Ron to the news, not accepting at first but then realizing her son's happiness was more important than anything else.

The wedding was in the middle of the Lumas Forest in Workenshire. It was known to be the forest of the lovers and was said to be the best place to marry your soulmate. Hermione had suggested it to Harry, and she decorated everything for a week. Hundreds of chairs were placed with white flowers and lace detailing filled the air as candles stayed up by magic floating. It was the most beautiful wedding anyone had ever seen.

Harry had never felt more anxious in his whole life. He knew this is what he wanted. He did not even have a glimpse of a doubt, but he was still so scared. He wanted everything to be so unbelievably perfect. He checked his tux one more time as he walked to the podium at the end of the aisle. He stood as he awaited Draco. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears and feel his breaths crack every time he breathed. Hermione and Ron were sitting front in center close to Ginny and the rest of the Weasley family that remained. They had been such a big part of Harry's life. They had to be there. They all smiled faintly at him, all excited to finally see Harry be with the love of his life.

Harry drifted his eyes to the other side of the room. Everyone was either from Gryffindor or teachers. There was almost nobody from Slytherin, and there was nobody except for Narcissa that Draco was really close to. Harry thought that maybe Blaise and Pansy would have shown, but they didn't. He felt so bad for Draco. "At least I am here, at least I love him." Harry thought to himself, trying to reassure himself that Draco would not mind. Even if he knew that even if Draco would never admit it. That he would care. That he was hurt.

Harry forced these thoughts out of mind and began to think about seeing his lovely fiance walk down the aisle. His heart was doing summersaults like it did the first night and kiss they had together. His palms were moist and he swore he was going to faint. That is when he heard the music start, their song was playing and Draco's blond slicked back locks could be seen from afar. It was the love of his life.

Draco was about to walk down the aisle. He held onto Narcissa as he shook vigorously. He was so nervous.

"Draco, I am here. Calm down..." Narcissa said in a loving tone. She could see how much her son loved Harry, and at that moment, every little part of her that still held malice towards the two lovers faded. Draco's eyes searched the room. He could only see Harry's raven hair from a distance but not more. He was still too far. His eyes searched for familiar ones, but Pansy and Blaise were not there. It was not until Narcissa's light voice said: "Son, look who came..." did Draco turn his eyes in the direction his mother was looking, and there stood them. His two best friends, hand in hand, just like he predicted that they'd be together, they came. They came to see him, they came to see him on his big day, no matter how much they were against it. They came for him, and that's all that mattered. A tear streamed down Draco's face. "Everything is okay now, Draco," Narcissa said lovingly. She was so happy for her son, but she could still see the discontent on her son's face. Something was bothering him, and she knew what it was. She and he were too similar. She did not need words to understand.

"Dad.." Draco admitted. Narcissa knew what Draco wanted. Draco wanted him to dad to accept him for who he was. She felt so bad for him. She knew it was unrealistic because he was dead. And she knew that even if he would be alive, he would never have accepted his son with Harry Potter. It was then that she felt a presence that was all too familiar to her, a presence she thought she would never feel again. Beside Draco she saw the silhouette of a man appear. He was ghostly, pale skin, pale features... It was Lucius. Narcissa froze for a second at the reflection of the man she loved. "How could he be here?" she thought to herself as she heard him somehow say: "Because I never truly left you...". She did not know if she heard it at loud, or just in her head, but she assumed it was only in her head that she could hear Lucius's response since Draco didn't turn. Narcissa slowly looked at her son, looked at his features against Lucius's and let a tear flow from her eyes. She knew that Lucius was right, even if his ghost were to one day disappear as well, he would always still be here... He would live through Draco, and this time he would do it right. Live a life of beauty instead of horror. She was still so in awe of how much they looked alike...

"Draco..." Narcissa said in a teary voice. Draco shifted his eyes again into the direction of Narcissa's. As his eyes turned he saw the ghostly white figure in front of him. His heart broke. He did not what to feel. His father had done so much, but yet he was here. That had to mean something. Draco's eyes filled with tears more and more.

"Son, I have done you so wrong. I destroyed. I broke you." Lucius said as his ghost cried and Draco cried too. "I am not here to be forgiven. I know I am unforgivable. I am so sorry." Lucius said as he covered his face. "I am here because you are my son, and I accept you for who you are and who you love. I know I am too late. I know..., but you needed to know. I want you to live the bestest of lives: one full of love and happiness and wonder. I want you to marry him, because you love him, and I love you." Lucius said as he sobbed.

"I miss you, dad..." Draco said as tears streamed down his face as he put his arm out so his dad could walk him down the aisle with his mother. "I love you too..." the Slytherin boy added knowing it was probably the last time he would ever see his father. It may not have been a fairytale family ending, but it was enough. His father had finally accepted him, and he loved him. It did not change the bad, but it at least made the good better...

"After you..." Narcissa said as she looked at Draco waiting for him to walk forward. Draco looked at his mother and smiled through his cries.

"After you..." Lucius said as Draco looked at him one last time as if to say "thank you", and then turned his glare to the individual in front of him... Harry...

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