Chapter 19. "Mother"

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Draco woke up to the sound of an owl on his window pavement. He slowly opened the door and read the letter that was assigned to him.

"Hello son,
I have invited Mister and Miss's Greengrass to dinner tomorrow evening. Their daughters Daphne, your classmate, and Astoria will be attending as well. Make sure to wear your best attire and be well-mannered. I do not want to have to explain myself once more. We do not have many friends. Please do not ruin our only chance of knowing true friendship.
Glad to see you soon!" the letter was signed Narcissa.

Draco brutally crumbled the letter between his fingers into a tight ball and threw it across his bed sheets with an annoyed growling hiss. He wanted nothing to do with going to some stupid dinner tomorrow night. He was tired of his mother always demanding things of him. He much preferred to spend his evenings with Blaise and Pansy at The Three Broomsticks.

Draco quickly left the room and headed out of the Slytherin dormitories and Common Room. He kept thinking about Potter and everything that happened yesterday. Wondering whether or not helping the frigid boy had been a good decision on his part. Draco walked in the castle all the way to the Great Hall and sat beside Pansy and Blaise who seemed to be weirder than ever. Pansy seemed very upset and Blaise looked sad and distraught. They had been drinking the previous night when Pansy had admitted her admiration towards Blaise but had gotten denied in return. "Sorry love, we can not all be swooned by your undeniable charm!" Draco said gigglingly. Pansy seemed even more upset and nudged Draco viscously in the arm. She then got up and left. "Did she honestly think I would like her back?" Blaise spat. Draco felt bad for Pansy but at the same time could not help but laugh at Blaise's comment. Though, deep down Draco believed that Blaise did, in fact, feel a little something for the girl.

The next two days passed by rather quickly. Harry was still in the hospital and Draco spent most of his time skipping classes and comforting broken-hearted Pansy. It was not until Malfoy looked at the clock did he realize he needed to start getting ready for dinner at the Malfoy Manor. He wore black pants, a white button down shirt and a dark green tie.
He could still not believe he was being forced to do this.

Once arrived at Malfoy Manor, Draco took off his coat and headed inside where he was greeted with his mother's sweet loving smile. Narcissa was not who everyone thought she was. She had evilness running within her but it was not of much extent. She grew up in the same mindset as Draco, believing that power was everything and purebloods were superior. But deep down when the time would come, war would change her. War would make her understand things she thought she never would make her realize that compassion was not the enemy but the answer. She would realize that love was wider than just in the spectrum of her son and her husband.

Draco pulled Narcissa into a tight hug and whispered into her ear "Mother, I have missed you." Draco felt something with his mother, something that nobody but her and him would ever understand. She understood what it felt like to have such a great amount of pressure on her shoulders and to be controlled by something that was other than herself. Draco helped her arrange the table and set out the plates, while the house elves helped. Draco had never understood why house elves were a bad thing. He did not see the problem with making them work for him.

Once the table was set and everything was ready, Narcissa and Draco sat at the table talking. Their connection had always been greater than everyone thought... maybe even greater than they thought...

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