Chapter 63. The Great Draco

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Sexual content, viewer discretion is advised.
LOVE YOU ALL OF MY STARS!!! I hope I live up to your awaited expectations!

The moment Harry had always wished for was here. It was in the midst of a rainstorm, locked away in a hidden room devoured by the great castle as a cold breeze brushed against two lovers skin would Harry know that there was no better moment than now. Harry closed his eyes at the words he just heard, making sure to fully process correctly the Slytherin's words. He could feel his own breaths collapse in on themselves, his palms becoming sweaty, his heart quivering and lunging in summersaults. Harry knew that today was the true start of a forever, a forever that included colour-shifting eyes and a boy that resembled his father from the outside, but on the in was a completely different human. On the inside, a boy capable of love, of compassion.

Harry trembled to his feet, looking downwards at the boy with pale features that was still on the ground. He extended his hands slowly as he watched the boy's hands intertwine with his own. Their slight warmth was a stranger. He was used to Draco's skin being cold and lifeless, but this time it did not feel like a snowfall on Christmas morning, but pumpkins and strawberry jam on an autumn nightfall. Both students could feel the jolts of electricity in their fingertips that then streamed through their bloodstreams. They flinched at the intensity of their feelings for one another, scared for what was to come but excited nevertheless. Harry helped Draco up.

The blond stood to his feet, but Harry did not release his hand. Instead, he grabbed the other as well where both their hands rested near their thighs as they stayed interlaced in the comfort of solely a touch.

"Potter, I'm scared..." Draco admitted as he could feel his ego pressuring him to take it back, but he knew it was the truth. He had been so broken by his father.

"I know, Malfoy..." Harry said as he put his hand on the boy's heart and felt the rugged thumps beneath his fingers. "I can feel your heart. It is beating so fast!"

"Har..." Draco said as he was once again cut off by the stroke of lips like a smooth paintbrush. It was only a peck as the contact frightened them both, especially Draco.

"Do not be.." Harry said as he leaned in awkwardly at first to kiss the Slytherin. Their lips parted ever so slightly, the kiss remained soft, gentle, and slow at first. It was no heavier than the wings of a Monarch butterfly: exquisite and heart-wrenching. They held it for a few seconds before their lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. Draco exhaled through his nose, not wanting to let Harry go now that he had him. He could feel his entire body had been taken over by the overwhelming feeling of relief, combined with eccentric panic, and lust.

Harry moved his hand from Draco's cheek to the back of his head. The Gryffindor's fingers tangled in the Slytherin's silky, white chocolate hair, lightly pulling him in closer as he added more pressure to their lips, deepening the kiss. It was only seconds later that Draco would feel a hot breath against his neck with the tender brush of lips. He seemed surprised at first as Harry brought his lips back to Malfoy's grabbing his waist. The blond moaned into the kiss, sending shivers down both the wizard's spines.

The kisses burned Draco's neck. He could feel Harry's hand run through his hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent, and another hand slide around his waist, and pull him even closer to The Chosen One's body. 

Harry was under a trance as Draco's smell filled his nostrils. He had craved that smell for so long; it was his Amortentia's perfect scent, the scent that had gotten him to the ashen boy in the first place. He almost felt like he needed to thank it for that, or in a way Snape. It was after all his class, him who picked which potions to do.

Harry began unbuttoning Draco's blouse slowly as bruises were revealed. He knew what they were from, and he sighed. Harry tried once again to hide the tears that kept begging to flow out. "Draco..." he said as he saw the boy's resistance to showing him his nudity. "You do not need to hide from me..." he said as he began kissing softly the bruises and slashes that covered his lover's body, his tears mixed in with the moisture of his own lips. Draco lunged back surprised for a second time, but could not help to groan at the touch.

"Har..ry..." he said as a moan escaped from his reddish just kissed lips. "What are you" he said trying to restrain his pleasure.

"Draco, relax... Try to let your thoughts flow away." Harry said as he continued to kiss the blond's slightly revealed torso. Harry unbuttoned slowly the rest of the buttons and pushed the blouse of the ghostly boy's shoulders. The Gryffindor's face reddened at the sight before him. Draco was beautiful. He was unearthly, like one of those Greek Gods we so often talk about, the ones that we sometimes even call the epidemy of perfection. Harry knew that to most the scars would be considered an imperfection but to him, they proved no other than that Draco was a survivor, that he was a warrior. That he was a warrior just as much, or even more than everyone said he was. "The Great Draco Malfoy!" he thought to himself as his lips hued dark wine crimson. He looked up at Draco and remarked the same blood tones on his visage, the redness of his cheeks. Harry softly pushed Draco down onto the bed...

I thought this would be the smut chapter, but I am really sorry. I love to write in details and because I am already at 1109 words, I thought I would make it in the next chapter. I want it to be perfect. I hope you will enjoy it. It is not easiest to write, because I don't want there to be issues, or not be as good as you all hoped it would be, etc.  I hope you are liking the beginning of it. You all mean a lot to me. I hope you know that!

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