Chapter 59. Our One Soul

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Draco could fell all the eyes glued to his skin, but all that he could care for was that of Harry's. Both of the boys hearts started beating faster and faster at the sight of one another. Daphne in that moment fully understood.

Harry did not know what to do. He stayed there frozen, without any words at all. He could not think of something to say. Everyone was surrounding Draco. Either asking him if he was okay or saying bad little comments here and there. The blond felt so much pressure, and that's exactly why he didn't want to go back to school. He knew this would happen. He knew everyone would have something to say to him.

The bell rang as classes were about to start. Draco's first class was Potions and so was Harry's. Harry was the first to arrive. He sat beside Ron and Hermione as they talked about Ron's muggle vacation until Harry turned at the sight of Malfoy walking in. The room was so familiar. It was where everything had started, a start to a journey they didn't even know would happen.

Draco looked at Harry for a moment, but somehow everything was not the same anymore. They were back to reality, at a school that didn't know about their love. And even though he was always okay about having a love only they knew, it was different now. They would not be able to always keep it a secret, but Draco had already lost his father. He was not ready to loose his mother when she figured out he liked boys, and out of all boys Harry Potter. Even if she did not think like Lucius it did not change the fact that she still didn't like Harry Potter. That was one thing her husband and her always had in common, and she was very traditional. He knew him liking a guy would not be acceptable but it was more than just that. Draco knew he would become even more the center of attention if they knew, but it didn't change how much he wanted him. How much he wanted Harry, he simply just didn't believe he was good enough for such affection.

A new teacher stepped in front, and Harry had the worst possible feeling of sadness ever. He remembered when Snape used to stand there. He hated him. He had so many mean things, but if only he would have known the truth. That Severus was not evil. That he had loved and loves his mother, Lily. That he had done everything to protect him and Hogwarts, but he only got to know that when it was too late.. when Severus was gone, when he was dead.

Harry looked back at Draco again and began to cry more and more. "No, this is not happening!" he thought to himself. "After everything we have been through it was only to get to this moment! Where he is on the other side of the room? Not talking to me, us apart once again!" Harry cried and cried and cried. The whole class passed by so slowly, and the second the bell rang again to dismiss class Draco ran out of the room. His eyes also full of tears.

Hermione turned to Harry. She could see the amount of sadness that he felt. His eyes were bright red and his breaths were uneasy. The pain was so omnipresent. She could feel it herself. Her eyes filled with tears as she said: "Harry, if you love him let him know... Do not wait until the world is crumbling at your feet, and you think you both of you are going to die before telling him. Do not be like Ron, pretty much!" Hermione said. That made Harry even laugh a little.

The Choosen One knew what he had to do. He walked out of the room and followed were Draco had ran to. He saw the pale skin and lean but muscular body before him.

"Malfoy!" Harry yelped as the pale figure turned to the sound of his name, but did not answer. "I am talking to you, Malfoy!" But there was still no answer. "Do not make me come over there, Draco!" Harry persisted to say this time almost yelling. All eyes were on them, even Minerva's, but Draco did not speak. "I love you! Harry said with the most passion he had ever shown. "I LOVE YOU, DRACO!" Harry said even louder and more true.

Draco stayed frozen for a second, tears streamed down his eyes, love was conquering his heart. He ran to Harry, grabbed a fistful of his robe into his hand and his face with his other hand. There had never been such a big silence coming from so many students in Hogwarts. Not even a single sound could be heard, not even a pin dropping. Harry could not help himself. He grabbed Draco's face with both hands and pressed his lips to his lover's. Tears flowed from both of their eyes and met like a boat finally finding a shore. They weren't strangers. Their embrace wasn't either, but what wasn't the most was their souls. Even if it was not in this life, they had met before. Many times before. It was as if everything lead up to this moment, the moment where innocent lips flowed together in the most beautiful of symphonies. The kiss tasted like a mixture of lemongrass and tricklets of rain on a cloudy Sunday afternoon. Their tongues connected as one. Something in their embrace was immortal as if clocks were ticking backwards through history to remind them that it was not the first and it would be the last time that a Malfoy and Potter had become each other's forever... And that is when there was truly no more evil, not because Voldemort was gone, or because the war was over, or even becuase Harry's best friends had found happiness in each other, but because two soulmates, to actual star crossed lovers had met again.

Two stars collided.

Two halfs of the same soul became one.


One love was boiling within the bones of two boys becoming men...

There was such thing as contentement, and it was this moment. This precise moment when a boy with hair forever the color of lemons and the boy with the lightning bolt scar were one...

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