Chapter 65. Do Not Wait

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Harry and Draco woke up at 10 p.m. that evening. They had spent the whole afternoon and part of the night sleeping. They had been so exhausted. Though, once they saw the time they both rushed out quickly looking at each other one last time to say: "I love you."


Harry walked back to his dormitories, trying not to make a single sound. He knew that everybody knew about him and Draco, but it did not change the fact that he didn't want people to question what he had been doing all day... He walked through the corridors rapidly, trying not to think about everything that just happened but failing miserably. All he could think about was Draco...

This was the most beautiful moment of his life, this was the reason that the painters painted and the writers wrote. Harry could still feel his heart beating faster and faster at just the thought of everything that happened. He slowly reached the Gryffindor Tower and began to walk up the stairs when he saw a girl with bushy hair walk towards him. It was Hermione.

"Come with me!" she said smiling and giggling as she walked past him on the staircase. He followed her instructions immediately and followed in her footsteps, wondering what she was going to say.

"Yes?" Harry said as they got to the end of a corridor, still smiling and blushing at everything that had just happened.

"I have known you ever since you were 11 years old, and you did not know what magic was. You were in a world that you did not know, just like me, and that is why I always feel so close to you. I know who you are, Harry! I think I know you better than you know your own self and even better than I know myself. I now know what it feels like to not have a family. I will never be able to make my parents remember who I am, or who I used to be. I have lost them forever by obliviating their memories. I never thought that I would ever be happy again. I never thought that I would have a home, but I found it within Ron and you. You guys made me feel like I had a place when I thought I didn't. I now know what you felt all of those years, to not have a mom and dad, or someone to take care of you. I am sorry for that, Harry. There are times when I underestimated you, but only if I would have known how it truly feels." she said as tears filled up in both of their eyes. "All of this to say, I have never seen you this happy until today. You finally seemed like you had a place, that you were in content with your life. Who would have ever thought that we would see the day that I not only accepted you being with Malfoy but encouraged it?" she said giggling at her own words.

"Hermione..." Harry said not knowing what to say.

"It is okay you do not need to say anything! I just wanted to let you know all of that. I think it is important that you know. And I needed to tell you one last final thing... If you love Draco as much as I think you do, do not wait, do not wait a lifetime before asking him to be yours forever. Love like that only comes once in a lifetime. Do you hear me, only once? Do not let the world tear you apart before you even started. Once again do not do like our fair Ronald did. Things aren't always so lucky!" Hermione said smiling trying to not make a comment about where she knew Harry must have been for the last couple of hours.

"Thank you, Hermione..."

"No problem..." Hermione said still slightly foreign to accepting Draco and Harry together. "Do you love him as much as I think you do...?" she asked.

"Yes, more than words or actions could ever truly express..." he admitted as a tear fell from his cheek. "I know what I want... I do not care how young I am, or how little of time Draco and I have been together. Our time apart in the war was already long enough, when you know, you know." he said smiling as he gave Hermione a tight embrace... 

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