Chapter 43. To All Those Lost

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Hundreds of people gathered into the Great Hall as thousands of emotions followed them. The war was over. They had won. Voldemort was defeated, once and for all. But it was not as simple as that. It was a victory but with every great victory came devastating consequences... and that is something the people of the Wizarding World were now sadly experiencing...

The tables and floors that used to hold the different houses were now packed with hundreds of wizards of all ages... but the front of the room was still bare... the podium was left untouched until the sound of an elderly woman slowly approached it... It was Minerva McGonagall. Her legs began to wobble and her face became sad as she walked up to the front.

"May I gather everyone's attention, please. We have won this war and I am proud to say Voldemort is dead!" Minerva said with a smile before dark thoughts creeped into her mind just before she spoke again... "But it has taken too much admirable, hard-working people out of our lives... people we can not forget. People that we will forever miss. It is with great difficulty that I can see their ghosts in the eyes of many people here today, but they did not die in vain. It is because of each of their sacrifices that we are here and we must honor their memory for as long as we live... as death is but the next great adventure, like a wise man once said... It is important for all of you to know that the people we have lost do not truly ever leave us." she said as tears now rolled down her wrinkled cheeks. The memories of her fellow friends glistened in her mind as she tried to gain strength from the happy memories... "Portraits of the lost warriors will be hung in the entrance of the castle so they can look over us, and live on... May they all remain in our hearts" she finished.

The room went completely silent as the names of the deceased were read, only the sound of subtle cries could be heard. Harry could feel daggers pierce his heart as Severus and Remus were called... but no pain was bigger than when Fred was called... The Weasley's bursted into hundreds of tears.... George's cries would haunt everyone till the ends of time... Nobody could quite forget the red heads jokes and his loving character...

Harry looked away as the pain was just too real and that is when he saw Hermione kissing Ron's shoulder blades and holding his hands to comfort him... he smiled slightly. At least he could say one good thing came out of the war... His best friends were together... and that is when he looked around the room to find the boy, the boy he loved more than anything else in the world... but once again he was left with nothingness...

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