Chapter 17. Madam Pomfrey

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Professor McGonagall ran as fast as she could to the other side of the building. After finding Madam Pomfrey, they both ran outside to try to find the crippled boy. He laid on the ground, crouching over and holding his stomach. He was in an excruciating amount of pain. The pain resonated around his body, like hundreds of little needles stabbing him from all over. He could barely breathe.

Hermione and Ron were incredibly worried. It had been hours since they had seen Harry and they did not know what happened to him. Ginny also kept searching the castle, wondering where her once-to-be boyfriend was. She had liked Harry ever since the first day she saw him, and was very saddened by everything that happened. But after Harry's confession she knew she no longer had a chance with him. Though, it would not stop her from trying. She would continue regardless of his crush on the cocky boy named Draco.

Harry went to the hospital wing. He laid on an uncomfortable bed while Madam Pomfrey tried every remedy and spell possible to help him. Harry had broken four bones in his fall. Two of his rib cages, his wrists, and his collarbone had either been fractured, misplaced or broken. He could feel every inch of his being swell. His pain was unbearable and he could not help but cry. It would take a while before his bones healed and he could walk again. They were not even sure if he could be healed since he had fallen from so high.

Hermione and Ron were the first to hear the news. A boy who had just gotten out of the hospital wing went to inform the pair. Hermione and Ron ran as fast as they could to the hospital wing, forgetting about the rest of their days. On the way there, they were greeted with the eyes of a pale boy. The pale boy had gray eyes and seemed uneasy. The boy was Draco. Hermione's face turned bloodshot red as anger stormed across her face. She ran up to the boy while invading his personal space and said:

"What the hell do you think you are doing here? Ever since Harry accidentally brought you up, he has changed! He is not himself and he will not even talk to us! This is all your fault! You are a right foul git, you know that? Stop interfering in our lives! Cowardice is not a Slytherin trait, it's a Malfoy one!" Hermione's brown orbs turned almost pitch black as she looked at the boy in deep hatred.

"Look who's talking!" Draco said weakly. He was not able to form any other words... until finally the word "mud-blood..." shaped his lips as he articulated.

Pain struck Hermione's face as she trudged on passing him. Ron's face was also full of anger as he intentionally walked into Malfoy's shoulder while walking passed him. "Oops!" Ron said sarcastically as he followed Hermione into the infirmary. Hermione looked back with a smile written across her face. It warmed her heart that Ron stuck up for her. She finally felt special to him! Ron had recently grown much more courageous. And now he would do anything to protect Hermione.

In a distance a voice could be heard... the voice of a woman... and as it got closer the words "Hermione! Ron! Come quickly!" were muttered.

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