Chapter 31. You Are My Savior

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A man with dark black hair and even darker eyes approached. He was tall and had a slightly crooked nose. It was Severus. After hearing someone approach, the two boys looked into each other's eyes one last time as they backed away from their tight embrace. They both knew from that day on nothing would ever be the same. True love shined through Draco's eyes, like a calm soothed ocean. He felt peaceful and at harmony with himself and the world. Harry was the map to his lost soul. And for the first time, Harry knew what the true meaning of having a home was, it was not a place but a person... and that was the true meaning of life, coming home. Draco was the last few steps of a race, a home with a light on and a fire lit... He was the base of his happiness.

The pair let air fill their lungs as they forced themselves to forget their light in the darkness for a moment and ran quickly back to their dorms, leaving their professor behind them. Harry went to the Gryffindor tour and to his dormitory, where nobody had realized his absence. As for Draco hurried into the dungeons and into his room where Astoria was still sleeping. He made sure to not make too much noise but the girl still heard him.

"Where were you?" the beautiful girl said sternly. "You have been acting very weird lately and I do not like it. You are making me and my family look bad. I liked you because you seemed determined and strong, but you seem uncertain and weak. Every time someone brings up Harry Potter you flinch instantly!" she said madly but the room stayed silent. "You have nothing to say?", "Well fine then I assume it is over!" she said furiously as she got up and left the blond's room rapidly.

But Draco did not care about Astoria... He could still feel Harry's warm lips press against his and the sound of his voice whispering "I love you."  And just the thought of that made Draco succumb. He had never wanted something so much. The things he would do and say to Harry if he could. Draco took his pillow and hid his face. He could not erase the sensations and his emotions. He kept smiling so much... Harry was his savior... and so was Draco to Harry. The boys fell asleep that night with love in their heart as they dreamed about the forever they longed to have with one another... And even though the night sky was dabbled with millions of stars, more lit up within them after their first kiss...millions upon millions of galaxies came to life that night, because in reality neither believed in true magic until their eyes met at Hogsmeade Station many years ago...

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