Chapter 16. The Silhouette From Afar

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Draco felt his limbs weaken at every step. He trudged closer and closer to the silhouette of a human. His steps were heavy and he walked slowly. Exhaustion filled the air as the harsh conditions worsened. Draco could still not recognize who the individual in front of him was. He wondered and wandered over, leaving a trail of footprints behind him. The earth had become moist and muddy, leaving his shoes stained. He was completely covered in mud. It was not the proper well-dressed Draco everyone was used to seeing.

The closer Draco got, the easier it was to distinguish who the human was. The dark raven hair and slightly broad shoulders almost gave it away, but he could not be certain. It was not until Malfoy saw the Gryffindor attire and broken glasses beside that he could be sure. The boy that laid in front of him was no other than Harry Potter. For a moment, Draco took into consideration the possibility of his death and imagined what that would cause but the thought scared him. Even if he did not like Potter the idea of him dead was too much for him to handle. He was scared to say something in fear of the boy not responding. He took a big gulp of air, that made his Adam's apple more noticeable, and he tried to soften his dry throat.

"Potter, what is going on?" Draco said with a determined voice. Though, there was no response. "Potter?" Draco repeated this time with a little more concern.

Harry slowly moved. Every inch of him, every bone and limb was hurting. He felt so weak. With a broken voice, Harry said: "I fell off my broom..." He could barely see Draco's face but had easily recognized his metallic voice.

"Well, looks to me that you are not that good at flying after all." Draco spat with a grin as water droplets fell down his face. But Harry just looked up at him with broken eyes. Draco stood back and realized that his comment was maybe too harsh. He quickly took another deep breath and said "I will have someone come for you. Because I obviously cannot leave you here like this. But if I had the choice I would, Potter!" He said with a nasty regard.

Draco walked back inside and saw Professor McGonagall. He told her about Harry and she made a very quick and disturbed frown: "Thank you for telling me!" she said with a surprised and thankful demeanor, trying to not wonder why he was so dirty. She was astonished that Draco even told her. She then ran as fast as she could to the hospital wing of the building so she could get Madam Pomfrey. She needed to go get her and Mister Potter as fast as possible! She was worried about his state of being...

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