Chapter IV: Hermione and Ron

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Harry was about to get into bed too when suddenly he heard a noise coming from behind the door of his room. Hermione and Ron came barging in. They approached awkwardly towards Harry's bed and said, "can we talk to you?". Harry agreed and made a space for them on his bed. Hermione touched the soft crimson covers and then sat at the end of the mattress, but Ron decided to stay standing up. Both of their regards were very unsettling; you could see the anxiousness across Hermione's face.

Hermione took a quick glance at her best friend and noticed the crack going down the middle of his glasses on the left lens. She tried to hold in her laugh but it seeped through the corners of her mouth, "some things will never change!" she said, "Oculus Reparo". She did not even bother asking Harry how he broke his glasses. Instead, she looked down and realized something really important. When Hermione finally looked up at her black-haired best friend the worry and troubled regard had fallen from her visage.

Hermione took a soft inhalation and said, "Harry you are my best friend, and I will not let anything come between us. Malfoy is a twat, but I will not tell you who you can and cannot like. You may talk to me about anything whenever you want. I will always be here for you. Nothing has changed." The words felt like a vicious fire coming out of her mouth. She still did not agree with Harry's choice of individual to be infatuated with, but she knew it was out of her zone of control. She hated Malfoy since the first day she saw his dark grey somber eyes, and she would hate him until the very last. She hated the pretentious and overly cunning personality he had. The speculation of him becoming a Death Eater also made her disliking much fonder. But, regardless of her opinion, she wanted Harry to feel better. So, she did what any best friend would do-- she accepted the unthinkable.

Ron was still standing up beside the bed. His eyes were pointed towards the creaky window, but his mind was somewhere else. Hermione and Ron had come to Harry to talk him out of liking Malfoy, but instead, Hermione had decided to accept it. You could see the unaccepting glare across Ron's face. He bluntly refused to let his best friend think in such an idiotic way. He took one long look at Harry and stormed out of the room, banging the door behind him so hard that the hinges almost broke.

Hermione looked back at Harry and wrapped her arms around him. The hug made Harry feel slightly better. She told him that Ron would just take some time to get used to the idea of him liking Malfoy but Harry just cut her off and said, "my feelings for Malfoy are not even true. I do not know why the Amortentia smelled like him, but Malfoy is still the same annoying git he's always been. This is all just a misunderstanding and everyone including you and Ron should stop talking about it. It is driving me insane!" Hermione nodded and quickly left the room to let him be alone. That night Harry fell asleep to the smell of vanilla lingering in his thoughts...

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