Chapter 54. Love Over All Evil

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Narcissa looked out of the window in the great salon of Malfoy Manor and contemplated her life. She contemplated why she loved Lucius, she wondered what had made her so unlucky, so unlucky to fall for a man that can cause that much harm, a man that could have forced her into all of this. Though, the answer was simple. She loved him, because even though, he might have turned bad, or not have been the greatest of kids growing up, he loved her with a love that was so pure, and so uncontrollable that it would never die. She knew that under all of that suffering laid a man with the biggest heart of all time; it only took someone brave enough to find it.

She remembered that day at the Quidditch Court. She remembered how she thought that her heart was going to explode at the sight of young Lucius over her. He was beautiful. He looked like his son would many years down the line, Draco. He had platinum blonde hair and the most beautiful eyes with freckles that dabbled around them in each direction. She remembered his cold hands grabbing her face as he fell over her, the wind was whistling around them as the frosty air tried to turn them bitter, but lips would be saviors. She could still feel her freezy lips turn warm at the pressure of his smile pressed against hers, their laughs jumbled together as if they are always meant to be. She could feel his hands grasp her visage tighter as he deepened every part of the kiss and to she could recall how out of breath it both made them. She could even remember the touch of his tongue against hers and the feeling of contentment arise her to the brim.

Narcissa knew that when there was no light to break up the dark, she could just look at Lucius, and that when the waves were flooding the shore and she could not find a way back home that he could be that to her. She let herself cry. She cupped her hands around her eyes, lowered her face and cried. It was not a normalcy for Narcissa, but it felt so good to finally let it out. She could feel her eyes blur from the water as the beauty of the landscape in front of faded. Nothing was beautiful anymore. Nothing was brilliant.

As for Draco, her son, was still locked up at the Ministry. They wanted to make sure he had not just broken the potion. Her husband was gone. And she had no good family left. She did not know what to do, what to think, what to feel...

Though, she knew one thing and one thing only. She needed to say goodbye to him, she needed to say goodbye to him even if it was the last and final thing she would ever do. She deserved that. After all these years. All of these months. All of these days. All of these minutes... All of these seconds that she thought she would never have to say goodbye to. She would have to. She would have to be married to a husband she could never see again, something a wife should never have to feel... something even less a son should ever have to feel. "Draco, my poor lovely Draco." she thought to herself. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and never let him go. She wanted everything to just be okay for once, and she wanted him to know she loved him. She was tired of this front she put up, she knew what it was like to have a family who never shows emotion, yet she did the same to her own flesh and blood.

And just like how Lucius would try to stay alive with the sliver of light that he could see through a small hole in his cell and through the memories of his family that lived within him, Narcissa would stay alive to make sure Lucius had a reason to live, but most of all to make sure that Draco would have the bestest of life's. That he would have everything and nothing similar to what his parents lives were. She would assure herself of that. Till her last breath that would be her destiny, though may it not be ordinary... it be true... The love of a mother will always conquer all evil... No matter how outrageous tis it to be...

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