Chapter 30. At Last

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******All the houses have different elements associated with them. Slytherin: Water - Gryffindor: Fire - Hufflepuff: Earth - Ravenclaw: Air******


The walls of the medieval gothic castle towered over the young student as he walked down the ancient hallways. Draco could almost feel Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin's presence as he got closer to The Room of Requirements. Everyone was sleeping but he still wanted an answer to the mystery, an answer that made more sense than reality.

Draco widened his steps as he got near his destination, but when arrived all he saw was a blank wall. The Room of Requirements was sealed, and this time would not open its doors to the confused boy.

"Malfoy?" a young boy with dark black hair said surprisedly. The blond turned at the sound of his name. His grey orbs crashed into Harry's green ones. "What are you doing here so late?" Harry said.

"I could ask you the same thing, Potter! Now, go away! Your little crush on me is pathetic!" Draco said cunningly.

"I never liked you; it was a mistake!" Harry blurted.

"I know you fancy me, Potter! There is no mistake!" Draco smirked.

"Why would I fancy you? Out of all people, a Malfoy?"

"What is so wrong with being a Malfoy? We are rich and powerful Pure Bloods. I do not see what's wrong with that!" Malfoy said proudly.

"You are evil and cruel! Your mother and father will end up in Azkaban!" Harry yelled loudly. Draco looked down weakly but did not let his emotions seep through his being.

"At least I have a mother and father! You have nobody, you are just an orphan, Potter!" Draco spat.

"You do not know what love is! YOUR LIFE IS SO EASY! EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS GIVEN TO YOU!" Harry said screaming as he pulled out his wand, but his screams turned into cries, and the boy was left with only pain.

"You do not know me! DO NOT PRETEND TO KNOW WHO I AM, OR TO KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH! Draco screamed while lifting his white sleeve up on his left arm. There laid a scar where the Dark Mark was supposed to be. Someone had tried to engrave it on him but did not succeed. Though, Harry knew that it was inevitable, one day the mark would lead. Draco let tears stream down his cheeks as he felt his face turn red. The pain was just too real, he turned and shifted away into the darkness.

"Malfoy!" Harry shouted. "Malfoy!", "Malfoy! Wait!" Harry said this time screaming, but there was still no response. "DRACO!" Harry shrieked, the boy's name foreign on his tongue. Draco suddenly turned around, seeming startled. He could not believe he just heard Potter say his first name.

"WHY WOULD I STAY?" Draco howled. "WHY?" he cried out as tears poured down his cheeks like waterfalls.

"Because..." Harry said brokenly.

"Because what, Potter?" the blond cried out once more.

"Because, I-I l-love you, Draco..." the raven-haired boy proclaimed. Draco stood completely frozen by these words. A thousand thoughts filled his mind. His lungs could no longer pump air to the rest of his body, and he felt faint, because he knew that if the world would see them now, they would understand. They would understand their love and cry because they knew they could never feel the same. But even though, these words meant more to him than anything he had ever heard, he could not believe them.

"N-No, No you do not..." Draco said breaking through his hundreds of tears, trying to keep a straight face but failing, leaving his voice to crack like a vase falling from a table, shards of glass piercing his voice like a gun.

"Yes, I-I do..." Harry admitted with uttermost certainty, knowing he had never been sure of anything till now. Though, sure of this. "Y-Yes, I-I do..." he repeated.

"Prove it. P-Prove it to me, Potter!" Draco whispered so softly that the movement of his lips revealed the words and not the sound itself. Harry got closer and closer to the Slytherin as he began to see features he had never yet seen, and right before he stuttered, Harry took one deep breath and pulled Draco to him, pressing his lips against his. And for that one moment, everything in the universe went completely blank. They were not in the past, or present, or future. They were just in their own imaginary world, where they had a place, with a love only they knew. Their warm lips only collided for a brief second before Harry pulled back, but in that second, Harry had felt fire once more within his bones, and Draco felt his soul return to the sea. It was like every part of them that came from a dead star came alive again, coming back to flutter once more in a world that seemed so sombre.

Draco stood there frozen, he was incapable of moving a muscle. He was exhumed with a countless number of emotions he had always buried. Though, none was greater than love. Draco looked down and for the first time in his life, he sincerely smiled, to a point that his teeth showed and his cheeks hurt. Draco looked back up and grabbed Harry closer to him than ever before. "I l-love...y-you...too..." he whispered more brokenly than ever before. Harry smiled ecstatically, just before Draco interlocked his lips with his, and they breathed the same air. His lips quivered as the blond held on to any piece of clothing he could reach. He let his fingers linger across Harry's skin for a moment until he could not take it anymore. Draco jolted his hands around his neck and drew him closer and closer to him, as Harry wrapped his arms around the blond's waist. The distance between them seemed too far, even if a piece of paper could not have come between them. Every single part of Harry drew Draco in, and every part of Draco drew Harry in. They could hear the sound of each other's rapid heartbeats as the space between them tightened. They were completely in sync. Draco tugged on Harry's upper lip as he enslaved him in his Slytherin cloak, making him his forever. He let the warmth of his tongue penetrate the Gryffindor's mouth as he put his hands through his black hair. Harry could not help but moan the boy's name, "Draco", "Draco...", "Draco!". The pale blond had never felt something like this before, such a deep love. He knew that because he had started this, that he now could never stop. Harry's warm soft lips brushed against Draco's again, and the rest of the world blurred.

And when they both finally pulled back, Harry realized something. Draco's eyes had battled, and for the first time, his eyes were not grey, they were blue... Love had pierced through the storm clouds...

A Love Only We Know {A Drarry Story}Where stories live. Discover now