Chapter 13. Best Friends In Love

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Everything was different all of a sudden at Hogwarts. Harry began to realize the love that was being created between his best friends. Recently, something had shifted between Hermione and Ron. He did not really know how to explain it but he could feel it. He could always feel something between them but never to this extent.

Hermione would always make an extra effort. She would wear makeup or style her hair differently almost each morning. She was also much more emotional. Anything Ron would say, would either make her giddy or completely shattered. The slightest of comments would change the whole out-course of her day. Harry was incredibly envious. He wished things would be as simple for him. He remembered the times when he liked Ginny and wished the feelings had just stayed forever. Because now not only did he break his best friend's sister's heart but he liked his friends and his arch enemy. Until this very moment, he had never thought about any guy in that way. He had sincerely liked both Cho and Ginny and wondered why he had to be attracted to not only a guy but out of all guys, Draco.

Though, Harry knew there was absolutely no point to trying to get him out of his mind. He had tried for numerous days and there was no use. He was smitten by Draco. He always had been, he just had not had the ability to admit it to his own self yet.

Hermione and Ron sat across the table from him in the Grand Hall. It seemed like Hermione concocted every excuse she could these days, just so she could sit beside the red-headed Gryffindor. Their chemistry was undeniable and the way they looked at each other was breathtaking. Ron's eyes were swooned and you could see how much he wanted to protect her through his eyes. Hermione looked at him with eyes of a little girl on Christmas morning, love hearts almost looked like they appeared in her eyes when she looked at him. At first, Harry could not understand it but with time he saw how truly wonderful they were for one another. They were adorable. They balanced each other out perfectly.

Across the room was the Slytherin table. Harry could not help but constantly look to see if the golden hair would appear, but it never did. He had not seen Draco in over a day and wondered what he could possibly be doing. He still wondered why Draco seemed so upset the other time in the hallway and why he was even in Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom so late at night. He knew Draco was hiding something, he just did not know what that something was. He dreamed of a day where Draco and he could talk, if not as lovers at least as friends but he knew that day would not come.

Astoria Greengrass, the sister of Daphne Greengrass, was always all over Draco. She lusted him to a point of insanity. And even though, her love was crazy and impossible it still drove Harry mad. Even the smallest of thoughts of her with him made the wizard melancholic. Harry looked over again at his friends to catch them both giggling and only centimeters apart... Merlin! Harry was tired of seeing so much love around him and never being romantically satisfied himself. He got up from the table and stormed out of the Great Hall with his Gryffindor robe flowing behind him...

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