Chapter 11. Potions Class #2

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Everyone piled into the small Potions Class. All instructions of today's class were written across the front wall as Snape paced back in forth looking if all students were present. The Draught of Peace was the position the students needed to brew that class. This potion relieved anxiety and agitation. Its ingredients were powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. When it was finished it was supposed to be a turquoise blue with shimmers. But as the students read off the list of instructions, Snape realized that Potter was once again absent. Anger fortified across his visage because this would be the fourth time now. Snape glanced across the room and said "Everyone team up in pairs of two. Do not ask me if you can be three. I said two!" Everyone in the room quickly turned to each other finding their partners. Hermione and Ron, Crabbe and Goyle, Neville and some quiet Gryffindor girl, etc. But Draco remained alone, without a partner.

After two more minutes, Snape looked at Hermione with an odd and not so kind face and said "May you please go find Mister Potter, he has missed many classes and he can not afford to miss another one.", Hermione nodded her head and slowly began to get up from her chair. But before she even left her table the old rusty door of Potions Class swung open: a boy with raven hair and emerald eyes was standing in its frame. His eyes were glued to the ground and his legs were very weak...

"How are you Mister Potter? Did you sleep well?" Snape said with a mean glare. Harry lifted his eyes from the ground and looked at Snape and apologized for his absence. Like Harry had imagined all eyes in the class were on him and giggles filled the air... Harry looked at Snape in confusion wondering what he would say next. "Mister Potter we are brewing Draught of Peace, which you would have known if you were not late. Everyone already has their partners, everyone except one. It looks like only you and Mister Malfoy are without someone. Let's hope Draco does not cause you too many disturbances!" Snape said with a smirking regard.

Harry could feel his face grow the crimson color of Gryffindor. He felt completely embarrassed and could not even look into the direction he knew Draco was sitting in. After last night his fear of seeing him had grown much stronger. He had never wanted to admit to Draco his feelings out loud, he was so ashamed of himself. He did not want to see the wizards reaction to being paired with him or anyone else's. Harry kept running his hand through his ink colored hair and slowly looked in Malfoy's direction...

A/N: Thank you so much for 500 reads. It may not seem like a lot to some people, but I am so very grateful. Thank you to all my readers. xxx

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